Jan 12, 2009 22:22
I have a meeting coming up with a executive leader of the theater ministry I'm involved in. I know what you're thinking if you don't know about Verve, a ministry? Yes, it's a branch of my church that does awesome drama. Musicals, comedies, you name it. We don't do Christmas and Easter shows. We do shows that are family friendly and present them free to the public, pulling our own weight and money for sets, tech, advertising, etc. It's part of what attracted me to this particular church and I've been involved for about four years or so.
After being involved for a little while, the leader (not the one I'm going to meet with, he was more of an under leader) decided he was burned out and quit. Enter my husband and I who he thought would do well leading the group. Well, we're not the most organized people, but we have a passion for theater and know how to execute creative ideas. In the time we led it, we produced a small musical review for a charity function and a full length musical-Little Women. Then we got the call into the executive leader's office and were basically told we suck as leaders and they were forming a new group. Now, this guy loves organization and we don't always fit that mold, as I mentioned. I'll own up to it, it's true but um, we did produce a darn good show if I do say so myself.
Flash forward a year and a half and we're now the head of the Creative Team that chooses shows, creates original pieces and basically sets the ball in motion. We have chosen the last two plays and staged an original scripted variety show. We just finished writing another new Variety show that is pending approval by the man behind the curtain. We still suck apparently. We have a new system of forms to fill out that they let us know about after we've already dropped the ball because we didn't know about them in the first place. Basically, I'm beating my head against the wall of a ministry leader who is supposed to be support for our group. The trouble is, this man terrifies me in a way nobody has ever. I can talk to people if I have a problem but him, he's just so dang intimidating for a reason I still can't figure out. But I can hardly stand to be involved anymore with all the drama that's gone on (pun is intended). He needs to know that I feel like a bug under his foot and that is not fair. I've been so hurt guys. I've seriously cried my eyes out many times because he makes me feel like crap. So I'm trying to channel my inner Daniel and enter the lion's den unscathed.
Here's the moral of the story: Jesus is awesome and never lets me down but the church doesn't always follow suit. And by the way, the church = people.