i am tired of nothing interesting being posted, so i think its about time for me to pull something out of my ass to get your people riled up, because it seems our post are anything but interesting. sooooooo.......... leave it to Jude to get the job done.
ok, there is this BITCH..... and you will agree with me when you read about this further down. fat and fugly Amy Sutherland, trainer of the killer whale shamu, writes a book entitled "How to train your Husband". in this she describes certain methods of training your male spouse in detail as it would pertain to training...... a dog. methods include withholding sex, yelling, being bitchy and all this kind of stuff that drives the marriage to hell.
now correct me if i am wrong, but if there where a book entitled "How to Train your Wife", there would be riots!! men all over the world would be called abusive chouvenistic pigs! i think this book should be burned with everyother copy made in the world in whatever language. i personally think this is sexist as hell, and yet we are the ones being accused of being sexist!!
is this RIGHT or WRONG???????????????????????????
look at this websight for more details.