Title: Dream a Little Dream Pairing: Dean/Gabriel Rating: PG? Author: Heavenreturned on lj Andromedarayne on dA Notes: Ummmm it was supposed to be fluff but didn’t really work out that way. Thanks to
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I'm good! I'm converting people left and right! Even if it's not their new OTP I've gotten about 5 of my friends into it, and the Dabriel com now has 61 members XD
Ever since I started writing my fic, I've just come to realize Dean/Gabriel is pretty awesome! :D They're way more compatible and dare I say it.....they may become my OTP. :O
Hmm..I would say (to me) that Dean/Cas is easier to rite. Just because you can write them head over heels for each other and it can be believable.
Dean/Gabriel (again to me) has more depth no one has really bothered to explore. They do have a lot in common thats unquestionable. I like writing them a lot more now, it's definately an excerise just like Sam/Castiel.
I did not ship them before but now it seems they're another of my OTP's.
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Ever since I started writing my fic, I've just come to realize Dean/Gabriel is pretty awesome! :D They're way more compatible and dare I say it.....they may become my OTP. :O
Dean/Gabriel (again to me) has more depth no one has really bothered to explore. They do have a lot in common thats unquestionable. I like writing them a lot more now, it's definately an excerise just like Sam/Castiel.
I did not ship them before but now it seems they're another of my OTP's.
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