So btw I''m going to Nashcon

May 07, 2011 19:38

 I'm an awful person and haven't blogged about it really. I posted my petition but that's it. So it's time to talk.

June 4-5, 2011 is a Salute to Supernatural Convention in Nashville, TN. Now some of you remember my Chicago Con experience here

Well for Nashcon I decided to splurge and got Gold Tickets. I'm in Row F Seat 31. I have had some issues with Creation and getting my address and stuff right (they originally invoiced me for San Fran tickets)

So originally I was going by myself and was going to swing through Kentucky and pick up Jennifer a friend of mine, this will be her first first ever con. Well I was talking to my friend Jenna who you all might remember from My Amazing Kansas Weekend and Jenna decides that her and Triko are going to come to Nashville and come to the free karaoke party Friday night and then for the rest of the con spend the time exploring Nashville.

Well..... here's how it's going to go down. On Thursday the 2, Triko is going to fly from Milwaukee to Kansas City, KS. And then that evening they are going to drive 8 hours to me and then crash on my couch for a while and sleep. THEN Friday the 3rd, in the morning we're beginning the 3 hour 15 minute drive to Lexington, KY to pick up Jennifer. From Jennifer's house it's another 3 hours and 15 minutes to Nashville, TN.

Now I know you are thinking 'Well, What photo ops did you get?' I'm sharing a photo op with Jared Padalecki with the lovely hils . I'm getting a Richard photo op (of course) one with Corin and Chad, and then one with Misha.  Because I'm gold I will get everyone's autograph. I came up with a kick ass idea as to what to get autographed. I spin my own yarn on spindles. So I ordered a custom unfinished spindle with a wide top whorl that was flat to have autographed!!

I'm going to have everyone sign it and I will have some fluff on it that I'm spinning that weekend too. :D Then I'll bring it home and finish it here.

On Friday evening around 7 or 8 pm I'll be sitting own and teaching other's to spindle and spin thread. So if you are going to the con and want to learn message me and I'll tell you where to get some beginning stuff.

Here's a tentative schedule Creation posted

FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 2011 
5:30 pm to 8:30 pm: VENDORS ROOM Set-Up/Vendors Only
8:30 pm to 9:45 pm: Gold Patrons Pre-registration, not a necessity just a convenience, you can come in any time registration is open.
8:30 pm to 11:00 pm: Vendors Room Open
9:45 PM to 10:30 pm: Preferred Weekend Pre-Registration, not a necessity just a convenience, you can come in any time registration is open.
10:30 pm to 11:00 pm: Registration Open for any and all weekend patrons
11:00 pm to ?? Creation's Free Karaoke Party

8:30 am to 9:30 am Gold Weekend Pre-Registration, not a necessity, just a convenience
9:30 am to 10:15 am Preferred Weekend Pre-Registration, not a necessity, just a convenience, you can come any time registration is open
10 am to 7 pm: Vendor Room Open for all
10:15 am to 7 pm: Registration Open for all 
10:00 am Superstar Breakfast with Jensen and Jared, exclusive for our Gold Weekend Patrons ONLY! Thanks! The guys will appear at approximately 10:45 am 
10:45 am to 10 pm: Photo Ops, On-Stage appearances and events, costume contest, autographing: more details will be announced as we get closer and guest itineraries have been set. 
10 pm: SATURDAY NIGHT CELEBRITY COCKTAIL PARTY: A hot DJ, dancing, a cash bar, celebrity appearances, the Centerpiece contest with $250 prize! First guest attending is Richard Speight, Jr.

10:00 am to 10:15 am: VENDORS ROOM SET UP/ Vendors Only
10:15 am to 6 pm Registration and Vendors Room Open for all
10:30 am to 7 pm Theater Opens for events, guest appearances, panels, exclusive videos, autographing, photo ops and more! Note that autographing will continue beyond 7pm.
5 pm: Supernatural Celebrity "Happy Hour" Cocktail Reception with guests to be announced. This special event is not part of any packages and must be ordered separately.

Also something interesting and hopeful (to me at least) on their site it still says this

April 14, 2011: We just heard from Aldis Hodge's representative that he can not make the Nashville convention due to another commitment. We will be announcing a new guest shortly and hope to have Aldis with us next time!

Note the bolded!! Maybe there is still a chance for them to invite Sebastian Roche?!? Oh I hope so!!!!

And I will part on this note:


nashcon, supernatural, convention, nashville

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