
Dec 02, 2010 20:08

Pairing: Daniel/Yoseob, Doojoon/Yoseob
Genre: Angst
Disclaimer: The plot belongs to me, the song belongs to Danseob, the boyz belongs to their respectively company and the wonderfully-made pics belong to yoseob@tumblr ^w^
A/N: Inspired by Danseob's collab 첫 눈 그리고 첫 키스, their convo, the way Danny looks at Yoseobie and his tears at the end of the MV. Hopefully it turns out okay. Plzz tell me your opinion, ne? ;D

“…You have to succeed…have to
I’ll always be on your side.
Remember Soulmate is not just a name but our heart…
One day we’ll meet again… I love you.”

I remember…
That’s the last message I sent you before you’re engulfed in B2ST’s hectic schedule.

I didn’t dare to contact you after that.
I didn’t want to be a burden, an obstacle blocking your way towards your dream.
I didn’t call.
I didn’t message you either…

…But that doesn’t mean I have a change of heart. I didn’t.

Never do I forget you.
I never forget your smile, the very smile that outshines even the sun.
I never forget your voice, the sweet and beautiful voice that I think is only for me.

I recall our memories.
The happy time I share with you, being in our own world, the world for only the two of us.
I recall your tears when you told me you’re transferred to another company.
And your promise that you’d never change. For me.
I recall the last message you sent me.
Wanting me to keep smiling, and keep moving forward…

One day we’ll meet again…
I believe in my words.
And I believe in your promise.

So I keep on trying.
Training like there’s no tomorrow.
And always keep an eye out for you, no matter how apart we’re.
Coz I’m afraid they might hurt you.
Coz they don’t know the real you, the sentimental Yoseob.
And wishing that day, the day of our reunion, will come soon…

…It’s two years since we last met, and I was more than happy to be back.
Back to where I should be.
Back to where my heart belongs.
Back to where you are.

I debuted.
And when I saw you in the audience, I thought I lost the ability to speak, not to mention, to sing.
You looked the same as the little Yoseob I recall in my heart.
Bubbly, cheerful and always smiling.
You keep your promise, so I thought.

You came backstage afterwards, congratulating me.
I was ecstatic, suffocated, when you hugged me.
It feels so good, to have you back in my arms.
Once again.

But you didn’t come alone.
They were with you that time.
When you introduced them to me, I thought I saw something in your eyes.
But I didn’t dwell on it.
Coz I just thought I was hallucinating.
Due to exhaustion, and happiness to have you back.

When I heard we’ll have a collab, I thought I was dreaming.
We’re gonna sing together, and maybe we’ll be on stage together.
So nostalgia.
Just like the old days.
The days of just you and me.

When we meet up at the studio, I’m too happy to form a coherence sentence.
Coz I’m fighting myself to not rushing next to you.
Holding you tight and kissing you senselessly.

We have lots of fun recording together.
Your voice is as beautiful as ever.
Like an angle is singing in the heaven.
And our voices still blend together, perfectly.
Like those two years apart are just a glimpse of time.

But I also wonder if you do recognize.
That I do not just simply sing the song, our song.
I’m singing it for you, my first love.

“Snow is falling from the sky.
I'm happy that you're in my life.
I'm happy that I can walk down
this road by your side.
And I promise you one thing.
That I'll love
and cherish you forever”

I confessed my feelings to you two years ago.
Not once, but twice.
And this song is my promise.
The life-long promise to protect you and walk with you till the very end.

I see you smiling.
And I see you come hugging me.
So I think that your heart is still the same.
And that you’re still my little Yoseob.
You’re just too shy to admit, like two years ago.

But I’m wrong…

You’ve changed.
You’re not the Yoseob of the old days.
You’re not my Yoseob anymore…

Reality strikes when I see you flashing a smile.
The brightest and most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen.
But that smile is not for me.
It’s for him, who’s waiting for you outside the recording room.
With flowers in hands.

Do you hear my heart breaking?
Do you know the reasons of my tears?
And do you understand the pain behind my wry smile?
I bet you don’t...

But that doesn’t change a thing, I tell you.
You might have a change of heart.
And you might not be mine anymore.
But my heart is always the same, for you.
And I will forever keep my promise.
The promise to shield you from the outside world.

So when he hurts you, just because he doesn’t know the fragile you.
Or when your friends make you sad, intentionally or not.
Or even when the whole world turns their back on you.
Remember that I’m always here.
And my arms are always wide-opened.
Just for you…

...Remember that I'm always here and my arms are forever wide-opened, just for you...

p: doojoon/yoseob, p: daniel/yoseob, #b2st

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