The Little Things

Apr 06, 2006 22:41

Title:: The Little Things
Genre:: Hells Vam Drabble
Rating:: G
Summary:: Some reflection on the part of Bam.
Notes:: For Kate, and me, because a little floof can never go wrong.

The Little Things

You said… you said you couldn’t think of one reason why you loved me. It hurt, reading that, hurt so much I cried. Guess I kind of deserved it though, didn’t I?

I haven’t been doing much lately, just sitting around. Not really my fault, but it leaves room for a lot of thinking.

And I’ve been thinking, and I know why I love you. Because I still do; none of this could stop that. But your little note got me thinking, baby, and I know exactly why I love you.

It’s not one thing. It’s everything. It’s all the little things that make you you, as clichéd as it may be.

It’s the way your eyes used to water when I made you laugh in class and you were trying so hard not to laugh out loud.

It’s the way you always had to put your shoes on right sock, right shoe first, then the left sock, left shoe. Always. Never the other way around, and god forbid both socks were on your feet before you put them in your shoes.

It's the way everything has to be even; you have to have two, never one; four, never three. Of anything and everything. It's the way none is better than an odd number of something, and you're so psychotic about it that it's endearing, and everytime you insist on having even numbers it makes me squirm, makes me want to ravish you.

It’s the way you bite your lip when you want to say something. The way you used to attribute all my annoying tendencies to the fact that I was American - as if I couldn’t help it.

I don’t love you for your views on the world or for any interests we have in common or anything like that. Do we even have interests in common? I don’t know. It’s nothing like that that makes me love you - its stupid things, little things, like the way you fold your clothes, the way you toss your hair, the way you would poke me on the nose when I said something so stupid it was funny.

I love you because you always sleep with your back to the wall. I love you because you go around the hallways humming to yourself and you don’t even notice it. I love the flash of anger in your eye when you think about someone you love being hurt. I love that one dimple that makes your cheeks almost edible when you pull that wry smile at something mischievous that you like the sound of. I love you for the way you used to say my name, the A so long and so deep that it sounded like a completely different word.

I love the way your back looks when the moonlight shines on it from the dorm window. I love that spot on your arm, in between swirls, where your money and your time ran out. I love the way your fingers used to fit in between mine. I love the way you used to purse your lips when you were thinking, the way you licked them after you’d kissed me. I don’t know why you did that. But I loved it.

I could make a list. I could list the reasons why, but it would take me so long that I would have no time left to love you in.

I still love you; I can’t stop, I don’t think I ever will. I even love the way you turn away from me, I love the way you can’t find the words to say to me. I don’t know why, but I do.

I love you for all the little things, mixed in with the big, and … baby… I don’t want to believe you, I don’t want to think that what you wrote is true… I want you to love me as much as I love you… even if it is only for the little, tiny, insignificant things. Every little thing counts.

the little things, slash, short story, vam, hellsverse

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