Mar 06, 2004 16:37
Well this week for me was planned out for excitement, it really was, my plans had been made since like sunday night or somewhere around that time and i was happy with my plans. Wednesday i was to begin my week, because monday and tuesday no one usually goes out and thats when i catch up on my missing sleep (actually thats not true, cuz monday i stay up late to watch queer as folk, but this week, i passed out before it was even half way through..) anyways, so wednesday i was suposed to go play volley ball with john as we do every Wednesday, and then Thursday I had planned to go out for Coffee with Ryan, which we (or at least i) had been wanting to do for a while now, and then friday i was gonna do something with john as we usually do, then saturday find something to do either with john or with pier-luc, and then sunday,, do my final homework and possibly go out. sounds like a pretty good week right? well what actually happened made the week border on disasterous!
come wednesday John was all sore from some bad falls he took on snowboard a few days earlier, so he said he was not going to go to volley ball, BUT we would still do something, so i went to his place, we went to see alix, and she wasnt there, and i must say it was pretty damn cold outside. then we got steph and went to Bear Ridge Café to meet up with Eve and hang out there til later. then we walked stephanie home, but stayed there maybe a little too long, cuz we were about 15 minutes away from john's house and we got a call from his mom saying "Guess who's here" indeed, it was my mom, we were late. that wasnt too bad, then i came home and got online, i was hoping Ryan would be online because i didnt know what time to meet him at Tim Horton's , but he wasnt online, so i emailed him and told someone to let him know at school to check his emails when he got home (i dont go to the same school as him), i guess the message was not delivered, or it was but something came up, because after fashion show rehearsals thursday after noon, i came home and waited online. Ryan had not replied to my emails nor was he online. i didnt know his phone number so i couldnt call him. so i waited online til 6-ish, but he was a no show, so i was kinda bummed, so i decided to go make me some cake mix, which usually makes me feel better cuz it's SO good (although very bad for me) so i had a cake and i ate some cake mix, but after a bit, i felt sick, so that made my night even crappier, so i decided i'd take a bath, listen to some music and just relax. by this time it was maybe like 8:30. so i get in the bath.. and THEN i hear a knock on the door, my mom saying "it's almost 9, go record survivor for your dad" i got really really mad. i took my time to get out of the bath, and then went downstairs, she had pressed record and had my dad's tape in and everything, but she had it on MTV.. why? fucked if i know! So i put it to the right channel, and went downstairs and bitched bit about how she's had VCR's for such a long time and she STILL doesnt know how to work them??? she said that since we got satellite she wasnt sure and bla bla bla, but HOW MANY TIMES DID ME AND MY BROTHER SHOW HER??? plenty.. so i told her, i would no longer record nothing for her or my father, they would have to learn how to program it themselves. (i was mostly just pissed off, i'll probably end up recording stuff for them, but whatever, that's beside the point, the point is, my night officially SUCKED now) so i got online later, wondering who'd be online, i had 5 people's chats opened and then they all stopped talking or left.. BUT on yahoo, i went and talked to Cruz for a bit, he made me feel better, and i kicked his ass at online pool, so i was pretty happy with that:D hahaha
then, uh.. friday, oh yeah, well i took the bus to alix's house and we went to rent movies and then went to john's to say hello, then steph's to pee, then back to her place to eat. my dad picked me up at 8 and i forgot my backback at her place. i probably wont be going back to the north side of town this weekend, so im fucked.. not like i was gonna do much homework this weekend anyways, but i had a chapter of some book to read.. i will just have to get answers from someone else, or i will arrange something to get it tomorrow after noon. then we went into town, picked up john and drove him on base and i went to pier-luc's house. what a welcome, i come in, he hands me a beer!!!:D hahaha, and then we chatted with some people online, we were maybe suposed to go to James' place to hang out with Joe, John and him, but they never called.. oh well, and so we drank like 2 beers and we smoked some arabian shit that his parents had, it wasnt drugs or nothing, it wasnt like weed, but it wasnt like tabacco, i dunno what it was, it was apple flavoured and we smoked it through a hooka (sp?) or something, in other words a big bong. but yeah, it was alright, nothing special i guess, pier-luc was doing circles with his smoke. then.. uh.. we didnt do much, we went to bed eventually, and then woke up this morning and he had to work not long adter, so he kinda walked me half way to my house and then i got home, had breakfast, and bla bla bla
then i went online, did a bit of chatting, talked about what we might do tonight and so far the plan seems to be, me, steph, john and maybe others doing i dunno what, i dunno when. hehehe im waiting for an email or a phone call now to confirm everyhting. and then, yeah, i redid my dreads, that was kinda fun actually, my hair was all poufy for a while, then i took a shower, and i changed, and i shaved and all that boring stuff, and i came online and i decided to come on and wire about my week!!!!!!
in clonclusion, dear friends, my week wasnt all bad, i just disliked thursday night painfully! oh and i bruised my knee in gym, we were playing basket ball (and oh how i hate gym class when it's basket ball!!!!!!!!!) anyway, i didnt feel like changing into my shorts that day so i stayed in my sweats, but they are kinda big, and then they went under my heal (under my shoe) and i went running to get my ball but i slipped and went crashing knee first in the wall, it kinda hurt! and i got laughed at while playing, cuz i play like a moron, but at least i have SOME fun, and cuz i was never taught the double dribble and all that shit, cuz going into gym class, they expect you to know how to play, i know now from all the times i've had penalties or that i've had the teacher yell at me.. ugh! anyways, so yeah i have a bruise on my knee..
it's been a while since i've posted my wise words and i feel full of wisedom i wish to share with the very few people who read my journal.. does anyone actually read my journal? like without having me say "look, i posted a stupid little poem in my journal.." cuz no one but cruz leaves messages.. i told you all leave a mesage, you DONT have to be a member, just leave your name so i know who you are. messages are greatly appreciated! oh well, now for wise words.. oh wait.. how do i write in italic again.. arg.. uhm.. let's try this;
People Underestimate The Value Of A Good Ramble!