Oct 04, 2006 21:34
fuck you all i post alot because i have no life. plus its my journal so :P
so i hung with tony today. he had a bad day. At first it was such a relief to talk to him and catch up for a bit. But after he left to go to bed i felt empty. i mean we share everything. But i just felt lost. So i went to find Jok at his usual studying place. I wanted to look at the stars with him cuz i knew he'd apreciate it. But it was cloudy so i took my astronomy book. i know geeky and stupid but he'd appreciate it. But i ran across campus and he wasn't there. So i came back and couldn't find my phone to call him so i got pissed and frustrated. find my phone but i kept getting his voicemail that doesn't work here. so now i'm annoyed.
btw when i was talking to tony at like 4 am yesterday. he said that it was funny that he talked to me more in the past few hours then he did with his girlfriend in the past few weeks. always seems to be my problem haha
well i watched the movie 'medicine man' great movie. bout a doctor who lives in the rainforest. (( my dream as a kid))