You mentioned him before, and that he's dangerous. If it's not the Uchiha seeking to frame Tenten to garner allies in an attack against Konoha's forces... would Envy have reason to attack Madara and Izuna?
Anyone, I suppose. Just as our allies could be anyone, assuming it suits their purposes. In so far as revenge attacks go, though, I think you're mainly going to have to watch out for the Uchiha, including Sasuke. ...It sounds to me like Sasuke's friends are handling things, though.
I will say that him being prepared to attack Konoha shinobi over a potential attack on known enemies does not go far at all toward convincing me that he should be trusted or viewed as anything other than a potential enemy.
I assume that you're not reckless enough to actually attack the Uchiha alone, and that if you were, you'd claim it.
Is it possible someone henge'd into you, then? Not all of the shinobi here are loyal to Konoha.
You mentioned him before, and that he's dangerous. If it's not the Uchiha seeking to frame Tenten to garner allies in an attack against Konoha's forces... would Envy have reason to attack Madara and Izuna?
Anyone, I suppose. Just as our allies could be anyone, assuming it suits their purposes. In so far as revenge attacks go, though, I think you're mainly going to have to watch out for the Uchiha, including Sasuke. ...It sounds to me like Sasuke's friends are handling things, though.
I will say that him being prepared to attack Konoha shinobi over a potential attack on known enemies does not go far at all toward convincing me that he should be trusted or viewed as anything other than a potential enemy.
I understand that.
Report back when you have more information on the subject.
Is Sasuke likely to listen to you on this matter?
...I don't know. He's probably more likely to listen to Hitsugaya.
Well, at least it can't be messier than the war back home.
It's definitely possible.
If we strike, it needs to be decisively with greater numbers, especially given the nature of this world and the alliances formed here.
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