(no subject)

Feb 15, 2005 14:53

what an * a m a z i n g * weekend i had..total awesomeness. He made me dinner, and we danced to a few songs on a mix that i made him as part of his v-day gift. things were rocky at first, because nobody told us that nobody would be here but us two, and the rents kinda freaked on us..er.. me rather. things worked out, as always. we had some awesome time with God after it all.

we were chillin and talkn, and we heard all of these cop cars and a fire truck and ambulance..i guess someone broke into the house down the street and set it on fire..and now theres boards on the windows that say "Arson" or however you spell that, and theres police tape all around the house. I pray that everyone's okay and that this person is caught.

church was absolutely amazing today, and there was a yummyful dinner afterwards. i had my fun launching hershey's kisses into a bowl with a fork..yeah.

then me and ryan lounged around on the couch all afternoon..watching "Signs" and random tv..the occasional basketball game..yes thats right, i actually watched basketball. i couldnt tell u anything other than kobe bryant socked lebron *sp?* james in the nose with his elbow..and thats all.

*hrm* i found this on someones xanga.. my boyfriend does 99% of these..but..its still fun to show people.

28 ways to make a girl smile . . .

1 . Tell her she is beautiful, not hott, fine or sexy.

2 . Hold her hand at any moment even if it just for a second.

3 . Kiss her on the forehead.

4 . Leave her voice messages to wake up to.

5 . Always tell her you love her at any and all times.

6 . When she is upset hold her tight and tell her how much she means to you.

7 . Recognize the small things . . . they usally mean the most.

8 . Call her sweetie, or baby

9 . Sing to her no matter how horrible your voice is.

10 . Pick her over all the other girls you hang out with.

11 . Write her notes. {she loves them}

12 . Introduce her to family and friends as your girlfriend.

13 . Play with her hair.

14 . Pick her up, tickle her and play-wrestle with her.

15 . Sit in the park and just talk to her.

16 . Tell her funny jokes, tell her stupid jokes, just tell her jokes.

17 . Throw pebbles at her window in the middle of the night just because you missed her.

18 . Let her fall asleep in your arms.

19 . Carve your names into a tree.

20 . If she's mad at you, kiss her.

21 . Give her piggyback rides.

22 . Bring her flowers just because.

23 . Treate her the same around your friends as you do when your alone.

24 . Look her in the eyes and smile.

25 . Let her take as many pictures of you as she wants.

26 . Slow dance with her, even if there isn't any music playing.

27 . Kiss her in the rain.

28 . If your in love with her . . . tell her.

ok time to talk to my buddy daversss!

be blessed!
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