Living in a Dream

May 04, 2005 21:24

I walk in space, breathe with no oxygen, cry rain drops and smile sunshine. I am but a dreamer stuck in the unreal paradise. I struggle in my own misery, looking at reality behind the thick window. It has not touched my bones. I am a floating illuminator of memories. I search for my perfection but bounce back on the wall of emptiness. I throw fireballs of love and get a strong wind back. My heart glows but the world is too dark to recognise it. It is too blinded by its presence. I stand alone behind this window and watch the harshness of everyday passing by. I can see it all, but I am invisible to all. I have trapped myself in my bubble of unreal love and I refuse to come out until I truly feel it on the other side of this thickness. I stand there and scream off the top of my lungs, but I am not heard. I reach out my arm, but it won’t go through because I am unnoticed. Foolishness envelopes me and I am ashamed of myself. I fight for something that is not in my power to reach. I try to hold on to a soul that does not want to be held. I lie to myself to believe. I close my eyes on what is. Go ahead and laugh at me for I am nothing but a joke to society. I should remain in my bubble, but I should let go of his spirit. I should set him free. I should stop being selfish. I should be forgotten, left behind in my hole. I have embarked upon a journey to the debts of loneliness and I travel alone. The way it should be. I hope he can forgive me for trying so hard, for pushing him into unwanted land… 
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