2016 in SPN Cons

Sep 14, 2016 20:57

So, I haven't been around on LJ much over the last year - mainly because I got sucked into another fandom in December and haven't been very active in SPN fandom lately.

Normally I write up reports of each con I've been to, but I've been pretty busy and haven't really got around to it lately. I thought, instead of writing up a report of each one, I would do a bit of a collaborative effort instead, mainly sharing some of the photos I took, and also a couple of stories.

Asylum 16

The first con of the year for me was Asylum 16 in May. I had an upgrade ticket, which meant I could have a seat in rows 2-5, and also lots of included photo ops. Both mornings (Sat and Sun), I managed to get a second row centre seat, which was perfect for taking photos, and I got some great ones:


Two weeks after Asylum 16 was JIB7 - I only had a 9th row seat for this con, but I managed to get some decent photos:


Now, normally I would go to DallasCon in September, but sadly I have a work training course on this week (DallasCon is this coming weekend), so instead, I decided to go to MinnCon.

A few weeks before the con, I woke up early one morning and, bleary-eyed, checked my phone. I saw I had a few Twitter notifications about an edit of one of my photos - people were wondering who took the original. I didn't think much of it, and went back to sleep. An hour later, I woke up again, checked my phone, and saw I had more notifications... so I read one of the conversation threads properly and realised why everyone was so interested in the edit of my photo.

This was the photo they were talking about:

You might recognise it from my Asylum 16 photos above - yes, Jensen had somehow found the B&W edit someone had done of my photo and decided to use it as his Twitter profile pic!

Of course, knowing that I was going to MinnCon soon, I had to get him to sign it. Only problem was whether I would be able to pluck up the courage to do it, since I never seem to be able to say anything intelligent to him during autos (he's so focused and fast usually)!

Anyway, MinnCon and J2 day came, and I joined Jensen's auto line, printed photo in hand. I was a bit worried about how I was going to prevent him from seeing and recognising the photo before I could explain why he was signing it, since you have to put your auto item on the table before it's your turn. Luckily, Jensen was too busy talking to the person in front of me, and to one of his handler-people that he didn't look at the photo too early.

When it was my turn, he looked down at the photo, then up at me:
Jensen: "England, right?"
Me: "Yep. It was your Twitter profile pic a few weeks ago. I took it."
Jensen: (holds up his hand for a High Five)
Me: "Someone found it and edited it online"
Jensen: "Yeah, well sometimes when I need photos, I go on Google"

So, here is said photo again, now signed by Jensen:

And some of my other photos, from 6th row (the lighting was amazing at the con):

asylum16, minncon, jib7, photos, spn convention, jibcon

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