SPN Episode 11x04 Reaction - Baby
Similar to a lot of other people, I first heard about the Impala episode when it was mentioned at Comic Con - and my immediate reaction was that it was going to be a terrible episode… because I had visions of a talking car with a goofy voice!
However, the more I heard about it, and the more I saw Jensen (and Jared, but mainly Jensen) talk about it in con panels, saying how excited he was for it, and posting pictures online, the more I found myself looking forward to it. Because it sounded just like the kind of episode that I was hoping it would be, but that I thought the writers wouldn’t pull off or take it in that direction.
So, I went into last night’s episode with a large part of me hoping that it was going to be really great, but a very small part praying that it wouldn’t fall flat and not come off.
I’m glad to say that it lived up to all my good expectations, and more. I only have a couple of minor niggles, which aren’t really all that important :).
I think it can sometimes be difficult to pull off a bottle episode. I think it can be easy for one to become boring or slow-moving, but then again, when it’s done right, it’s great. One of my favourite Friends episodes is The One Where No One Is Ready… a bottle episode that takes place in ‘real time’ inside Monica and Rachel’s apartment. Nothing happens in it except that they are all getting ready to leave for a function. That’s it. But it’s a hilarious episode.
Baby is like that Friends episode for me… it just works so well :).
- the cinematography
- the close-up camera angles
- Dean and Sam hanging out, laughing and bickering in the Impala… reminded me of the early seasons
- Dean and Sam’s heart-to-heart in the car… again, reminded me of how SPN used to be (how can we make Carver understand that this is the kind of brotherly scene that makes the show good, not the stupid drama between them?!)
- Matt Cohen! He was very good at capturing JDM's mannerisms as John... in his earlier episodes, because he was pre-hunter John, I didn't see so much of older John in him. I admit, I believed him when he said on Twitter he wasn’t in the episode and that the John footage was a deleted scene from S5 :P (I didn’t actually see the promo, just people talking about it on Twitter)
- the fight scenes in the car - so well done and all the more effective due to the close quarters
- the wonderful camera angles
- the songs. I had never heard that Bob Seger song before, but I love it already… I even quite liked the pop song when the girls were in the car - it came off as very genuine/real for them to listen to it and not just put there for no real reason
- the lack of soundtrack/music in the rest of the episode… I though the silent Sam flashbacks were very effective
- the Cas phone call where Dean is fighting the Deputy outside the car :P… actually reminds me of another Friends episode (Season 1) where everyone is singing in the apartment and Ross is getting attacked by a cat outside the window :P
Small niggles:
- the overuse of the word ‘lore’ in the episode… I think it was said about 6 times by the characters overall :P. By the end, I was just like, ‘find a new word!’ :P
- As great as it is to see Dean in a good mood and having fun like in the early seasons, it seemed like the upbeat mood was a bit out of character for him considering the heavy plot of the last few episodes and how the previous episode ended.