SPN 10x08 and 10x09 Episode reactions

Dec 10, 2014 15:15

Just realised I didn't write anything about episode 8 last week, so I'm combining both episodes into one post again:

10x08 - Hibbing 911

I love Jodie Mills (and Kim is a sweetheart), but I wasn't really a fan of Donna the first time around (The Purge is just not a good episode for me), so unfortunately that affected my opinion of the episode a bit.


- Jodie Mills

- Dean and Sam's exchange about the fake IDs and Kinko's... loved Dean's line: "Yes you did. Be proud of that". I understand it was adlibbed by Jensen :P.

Not so much

Pretty much everything else...

- The vampire lore was stupid... since when do vamps eat whole bodies... and why? Made no sense at all... don't see why they couldn't have just come up with a new monster instead of making vamps unrecognisable.

- Donna... she seems too much like a silly caricature and not enough like a real person that Sam and Dean might interact with in real life... can you imagine if she'd been in season 1-5? It would have made a mockery of the show. I heard she adlibbed a lot of the lines... and it shows :S.

- Sam and Dean both getting knocked out and tied up... yet again. I was just waiting for it when Sam got hit... I was actually saying, 'don't do it, show, don't do it.'... and of course, they did it.

- Donna and Jody saving the day instead of Sam and Dean. Not that I don't want to see strong, capable women on the show, but as I think someone else pointed out, this show is supposed to be about the WINCHESTERs fighting and killing monsters and instead it seems to be turning into a show where Sam and Dean are just in the background, watching OTHER PEOPLE fighting and killing monsters to save them.

- The acting by the supporting actors in this episode seemed pretty terrible to me. The guy who got eaten by the dumpster sticks out particularly... his 'Just watch your Top Model' line was delivered terribly.

10x09 - The Things We Left Behind

I really don't know what to think about this episode, to be honest. Other than the Dean/Mark of Cain stuff, I thought the rest was pretty boring. All I knew of the episode beforehand was that it would cover Dean and the Mark, Cas finding Claire. and Crowley and Rowena.

When I heard the spoilers that Claire would be coming back, I thought it would be in a much cooler way than this! I had visions of her becoming badass after the whole debacle with Cas back in Season 4. I wanted her to take what had happened to her then, what she'd learned about the supernatural world, and do something cool with it - maybe try to hunt monsters herself. I also don't buy that her mum just left her one day to find herself... who would do that to a kid who was possessed by an angel and lost her father?!

The only picture I'd seen from the episode was the one of Dean (from his dream), all bloody, and I was excited about that - I wanted an episode of badass, killing, fighting Dean. Then when the episode started and it was revealed to be just a dream, I was disappointed. I continued to be disappointed (and a little bored) with the episode right until that last scene. I'm so glad they went there with him.


- Dean's killing dream and his actual killing of the humans at the end

- Dean's conversation with Cas in the diner

- The Crowley/Rowena scenes were fun, but not really sure of the point of them

Not so much

- I thought the episode was too similar to S8's Freaks and Geeks. We've already had one episode where teeangers who have lost their parents are taken in by an older man and end up doing bad things for him. I didn't see the need for it here.

- I though the actress playing Claire's acting was a bit off - it didn't seem genuine, like she was trying too hard to act out the lines and the tantrums and not really pulling it off.

- I wanted Claire to be doing something cool and badass instead of being a runaway problem teen.

- The Miley Cyrus/Hasselhoff exchange... what's with the celebrity/character name-dropping in every episode? I don't get why everyone sees the need to call each other random well-known names of other people. Are the writers having a competition to see how many pop-culture references they can squeeze into each episode or something?

- Not sure if it's just me but some of Dean and Sam's scenes seem forced to me (the laughing at The Stooges at the beginning for example) - I'm finding it hard to connect with them emotionally lately.

- I really wanted to see Dean's fight with the loan sharks... I had been waiting for something from him all week and just when I thought we would finally get it, they faded to black :(. Maybe the writers thought it would too to see him killing humans? I don't know.

supernatural, episode reaction, season 10

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