❝let me in, please it's cold, i'm freezing out here❞

Feb 24, 2010 18:59

come again another day | axis powers hetalia | 620 words | california ; america ; france ; england ; russia ; prussia ; spain ; mexico ; | pg |
in which california interrupts a world meeting.
de-anoning from the kink meme.

Come Again Another Day

“And so, in terms of the recent economic situation...”

America wasn’t really listening to the British economist who’d been invited to speak at the world meeting. In fact, he wasn’t much interested in anything that was going on at the moment. His elbows were on the desk, his chin resting against his steepled fingers. His eyes, mercifully hidden behind his glasses, were beginning to open and close slightly as sleep came upon him. He could probably get away with dozing for ten minutes, maybe fifteen....

“Mom!” The voice, which cut into America’s reverie most rudely, belonged to a young girl, perhaps fifteen or sixteen years old. She stood at one end of the conference room, bare arms crossed over her chest. A long, curling dirty-blonde ponytail flowed behind her like a victory banner as she marched toward the nations’ conference table. “Mom, you’ve got to do something.”

“...Cali, what are you doing here?” America said, raising both eyebrows in surprise. From the other end of the table, he heard Korea snicker; China had already dissolved into fits of laughter.

“I tried calling your house like a thousand times, Mom! No one even answered! And there’s rain freaking everywhere! Everything is getting wet!” California had beautiful eyes, a deep turquoise color akin to the ocean, and now they were filled with tears. “And, and you don’t even care! You just come here and listen to some old guy talk for hours and hours! How could you?”

“I’m sorry, ma chère, but who exactly did you say you were?” France asked, rising to his feet. “I don’t recall seeing you before.”

California turned and gave the nation a critical look. “You haven’t figured it out? And Louisiana always says you’re smart.”

France’s cheeks burned with a vivid red blush, and England chortled.

“Don’t act like you’re so smart,” California scoffed. “Massachusetts and New York told me what you’re like.”

“Cali...why don’t you wait outside...”

“Come on, Mom! I need your help! It’s so cold!”

“Wait a minute. Did that chick just call America ‘Mom’?” Prussia looked like he’d just won a lottery.

“So?” California replied coolly, “What’s it to you? Aren’t you supposed to be dead or something?”

This was clearly not the thing to say. As Germany got up to restrain his brother from leaping at the girl, Russia asked, “Then...America has a child?”

“More like fifty of ‘em.” California replied with a wink and a grin. “Gosh, don’t you guys know anything? Or did Mister Economics over here just zap all your brainpower?”

Now Russia had a murderous look in his eyes, too. However, at that moment, Spain and Mexico sauntered over.

“Hey, querida. You’re looking well.”

“As if,” California said, rolling her eyes extravagantly. “Seriously, abuelo, you have no idea. It’s been raining for days, and it’s everywhere, and there’s water spouts and tornado warnings and mudslides, and I seriously just don’t know what to do anymore!”

“Wait a minute, wait a minute. If America’s your mom, and Spain’s your grandfather, then who the hell is your dad?” England looked like he didn’t know whether to be outraged or amused.

Mexico draped one arm over California’s shoulders. “That would be me. Got a problem with that, England?” The scar across the Mexico’s cheek and the dangerously look in her coffee-colored eyes were enough to have England backing away.

“Ok, everyone just needs to calm down,” America said, attempting a reassuring smile. “Cali, why don’t you wait for me outside...”

“Oh, no. I tried that. You’re coming home with me now, and you’re going to help. Got it?”

In the end, it seemed like the best thing to do. Especially if it got him away from the laughter exuding from the conference room.

based on the atrocious weather we had in ca a few weeks ago ;;

✦fanfiction, ✶character: france, ✖kinkmem, ✶character: england, ✶character: spain, ✶character: prussia, ✶character: russia, ✶character: america, ✶character: oc, ✤fandom: hetalia

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