❝the piercing winter is so much more inviting than the stare in your eyes❞

Oct 18, 2009 10:22

Title: It's Always the Quiet Ones
Series: Axis Powers Hetalia
Words: 1000~
Characters: Prussia ; Sealand ; Latvia
Rating: G
Warnings: n/a
Summary: A pinch-hit for hetaliasunshine, written at dawn_crescendo's request. Latvia invites Prussia and Sealand over to aide with his "plans."

It’s Always the Quiet Ones



“Pretty please?”


“Pretty please with sugar on top?”

“Hell no. Now get out of the way, brat.”

The circular argument had been going on for at least the past twenty minutes. Peter had accosted Gilbert just after the UN meeting-the former had gone with Ludwig as he always did, while the latter had been gate-crashing as per usual. Peter had blocked the doorway just as Gilbert was preparing to leave, and hadn’t budged from that position. Now, some time later, his question hadn’t changed.

“Are you sure you don’t want to come hang out with me and Raivis tomorrow?”

Gilbert crossed his arms over his chest and gave Peter a disbelieving look. “Why the hell would I ever agree to do that? Why would I want to spend my day with a brat and a coward?”

“It’s better than being by yourself.” Peter spoke bluntly, sticking out his tongue at the elder nation as though to emphasize the point.

“Give me one good reason not to strangle you right now, brat!” Gilbert choked, fists clenching menacingly. Peter seemed unfazed. Ignoring Gilbert’s threats, he just continued talking.

“Come on, we need you! Raivis has all these plans, and he says we can’t conquer the world without the great Prussia!”

“Look, I’m not interested it-wait a minute. What did you say?”

Peter grinned. “We have a plot. Or, Raivis does. And we need you!”

“…to conquer the world?”


“Hmm,” Gilbert murmured, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. Truth be told, he’d been rather bored lately. Ludwig seemed to enjoy the peace, but the elder German brother needed a bit more excitement. He’d never given Raivis much thought before, but if the tiny nation actually had a plan, he might just redeem himself in Gilbert’s eyes.

“Fine. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Huh? Really?”

Gilbert huffed, “Yes. Now get out of the way before I change my mind.”



Raivis wasn’t exactly sure what had emboldened him to ask Peter and Gilbert over that day. It was a chilly day in Riga, so when Gilbert had arrived, the first words out of his mouth had been complaints about the weather. Raivis didn’t really have a response to that-he couldn’t really help it if it decided to rain on the Prussian-so he kept his mouth shut, a shy, apologetic smile plastered to his face.

Peter sat cross-legged on the floor, his cheery smile as always a source of comfort to Raivis. He gave Raivis a wink as he caught his eye, so Raivis returned it with a smile before glancing, once again, at Gilbert. The elder nation had certainly made himself at home, rading the fridge and laying sprawled against the couch.

“So,” Gilbert asked after a moment, “what’s this plan of yours?”

Raivis blushed so quickly and so brightly that it looked as though his uniform had merely extended to cover his face. “Well…that is…I’m tired of…of dealing with…I’m sick and tired of taking everyone’s crap!” His voice seemed to crescendo as he spoke, so by the end he was fairly yelling.

Gilbert and Peter both turned to gawk at Raivis for a moment. Neither had ever heard the small nation’s voice so loudly, before. After a moment, Gilbert through his head back and laughed.

“Congratulations, Raivis-I think we’ve finally found your backbone.”

“I…think it was originally hidden when Ivan started squashing me.”

Gilbert chuckled, his strong laughter dying away. “That bastard’s always giving people crap. But how’re you gonna stop it?”

“Well…” Raivis’ voice went low again, but this time it wasn’t with hesitation-it was with cunning. “…I suppose we could always send him to Siberia, where he banished so many others…even he can’t survive that much cold for so long…we could send Yao, too, and then Asia would quickly fall apart without their strength…I would send Arthur down to Australia to be eaten by kangaroos…serve him right for sending all his criminals there…and then we’d get rid of Alfred and Francis, and then all the other superpowers…the G8…the G20…all of them…”

When Raivis finally glanced up, he found both Gilbert and Peter gaping at him, slack-jawed.

“Um…well…that’s a…a really good plan, Raivis!” Peter managed to choke out.

“Yah, really great,” Gilbert muttered, shaking his head. In a quieter undertone, he added, “God, everyone who comes within three feet of Ivan ends up a total basket case, don’t they?”


It was Peter who finally rectified the mood. “So, Raivis! Where does Gilbert fit into all of this?”

Raivis, who had by this point gone red and seemed close to fainting, let out a noise similar to a hiccup. “I…don’t know…it’s just that…he was a great conqueror, you know…he fought my brother…and Roderich…and all of them…” His voice trailed off; as soon as it has appeared, his malicious intent retreated back into Raivis’ mind, leaving his less-confident, normal self in its place.

“Well, I thought it was a great idea to invite him! Since, well, neither of us are really nations, y’know? So I’ve been wanting to talk to you for a long time!” The last words were directed at Gilbert as opposed to Raivis. Gilbert, who had been getting more and more irritated as the afternoon wore on, finally snapped.

“What do you mean, I’m not ‘really a nation’?” he demanded darkly. “I am the almighty Prussia, you brat, and don’t you ever forget it!”

“Yah, yah,” Peter said idly, with a wave of his hand. “So what? Everyone knows you’re just part of Germany, now.”

“At least I’m not a flipping sea fort!” Gilbert roared, jumping off the coach and rounding on Peter. “What the hell have you ever done, you stupid kid?”

“Tons of stuff!” Peter asserted. “No one ever hears about it ‘cause stupid Arthur controls the media and history books, duh!”

Gilbert was once again left gaping in disbelief. “I really can’t believe anyone as annoying as you exists in the world, really.”

Peter looked outraged. “Hey! We invited you! We were trying to be nice!”

“Invited? You forced me here with you powers of super-annoyance!”

“Um…calm down…please…Peter… Gilbert…um…please?” Raivis turned from one to the other helplessly, growing more and more distressed as the argument wore on. “Please-stop fighting!”

“Why should we?” Gilbert demanded.

Raivis smiled weakly. “It’s simple…when I take over, you know…everyone’s just going to be part of Latvia…so what’s the point of fighting?”

“Basket cases.” Gilbert declared. “Every last one of you!”


✦fanfiction, ✶character: sealand, ✶character: prussia, ✶character: latvia, ✖request, ✤fandom: hetalia

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