(no subject)

Dec 30, 2009 13:39

1. What time did you get up this morning?

2. Diamonds or pearls?

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
New Moon

4. What's your favorite TV show?
All time favorite, probably America's Funniest Home Videos...and Gilmore Girls

5. What did you have for breakfast this morning?
Smoked sausage biscuit, coffee

6. What's your favorite cuisine?

7. What foods do you dislike?
Berries, onions, mushrooms...

8. What is your favorite chip flavor?

9. What's your favorite CD at the moment?
Self-compiled dance party mix

10. What kind of car do you drive?
Ford 500

11. Favorite sandwich?
Havarti Sweet Chipotle Chicken sandwich @ McAlister's

12. What characteristics do you despise?
Cruelty to animals, child/elder abuse, perversion, elitism

13. What is your favorite type of clothing?
I don't get this Q...I like corduroys and sweaters a lot.

14. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation.Where?
Disney World

15. What color is your bathroom?

16. Favorite brand of clothing?
Victoria's Secret

17. Where would you retire to?

18. Favorite time of the day?
Morning; 8-10 AM-ish, I am the most productive during those hours since I've just had my coffee. Bright eyed and bushy tailed!

19. What was your most memorable birthday?
Well there was one year, maybe 9th or 10th, my mom said she would take me anywhere I wanted to go out to eat and I decided that I wanted a hot dog from Wal Mart! She really got a kick out of that and reminds me of it often.

20. Where were you born?
Metairie, LA

21. Favorite sport to watch?
BMX, ice skating

22. Who do you least expect to send this back to you?
I am not "sending it" in any direction...

23. Person you expect to send it back first?
See above

24. What fabric detergent do you use?
Cheer or All free

25. Were you named after anyone?
Meggie from the Thornbirds. /;

26. Do you wish on stars?
Surprisingly no. I love the song When You wish upon a Star though!

27. When did you last cry?
It's been almost a physical impossibility since I got on Cymbalta...probably over the summer.

28. Do you like your handwriting?
Not really. I don't write straight unless I really concentrate and my script is not as elegant as I would like.

29. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you?
Well, probably. I'd have the same interests!

30. Are you a daredevil?
Absolutely not.

31. Do looks matter?
In a dating relationship, yes.

32. How do you release anger?
I get pretty frustrated. I grit my teeth and imagine throwing something if I don't actually do it. But not at anyone, I really internalize negative emotions more than anything. Probably not the best thing to do.

34. What were your favorite toys as a child?
My boy Cabbage Patch doll, Care Bear, barbies (and the million accessories they had)

35. What class in High School was totally useless?
P.E. We had to dress in uniforms just walked around the gym.

37 Favorite movies?
Home Alone, Harry Potter, Twilight

38. What are your nicknames?
Mox, Megs, Megara, Megasus, 2000 Watts

39. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?

40. Do you think that you are strong?
Not without help.

41. What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
Butter Pecan

42. What are your favorite colors?
Green, navy blue, silver

43. What is your least favorite thing about yourself?
I am pretty uptight if things don't go my way, I wish I were more of a go with the flow type of person.

44. Who do you miss the most?

45. Do you want everyone you sent this to, to send it back to you?

46 What color pants are you wearing?

47. Last thing you ate?
5th Avenue bar

48. Favorite song?
Ants Marching by DMB (which just came on as I typed that I swear to god, ahh!) And Time by Hootie and the Blowfish

49. If you were a CRAYON what color would you be?

50. Last person you talked to on the phone?
My sister

51. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Depends on the person...

52. Favorite drink?

53. Do you wear contacts?

54. Favorite day of the year?
Thanksgiving maybe

55. Endings happy or sad?
Happy, hopefully...

56. Winter/summer?

57. Hugs OR Kisses?
Both, please.

58. What is Your Favorite Dessert?
Chocolate something or cupcakes

59. What Book(s) are you reading?
I read Uncle John's bathroom reader books because I like random facts...lol
and a self-help book called "Don't Call That Man!"

60. What is on your mouse pad?
It is plain black leather...

61. What Did You Watch Last night on TV?
America's Funniest Home Videos

62. Favorite Smells?
Buttercream, vanilla, rose, A&F Fierce, Tommy Girl, Ralph Lauren Polo Sport, Armani Code

63. Stones or Beatles?
Neither really

64. What's the furthest you've been from home?
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