holy crap i still have one of these?

Nov 01, 2007 19:49

Wow. So, yeah, it's been mad ass of a long time since I've posted here, huh.
Stupid life and...having one.
So, there's a lot missing from here, then.

Let's see...ok, first of all, moved from having only one tattoo to now 3- Finger's been done for ages, of course, and then I started and finished tattoo #2, the family tribute on my right side/stomach area.
It looks pretty sweet. Greens and purples and golds, complete with sword and Sprite! Drawn, of course, by Karina.
Tattoo #3 is still in progress- Mikael was a bit behind last Wednesday when I came in, so we started about an hour late, and thus didn't get to finish. Also, he thinks he may have bitten off more than he could chew in one session anyway, so I'm going back at the end of November. Totally wish we could have finished it in the one session, but alas. Would be coming back sooner if he wasn't so darn popular and his schedule was filled- and also, he'll be gone for like, 3 weeks, in Trinidad. Work vacation, though. So I can't be TOO mad. :(
I might have pictures, so i'll try and post those next time (if there is a next time :D)

Doin' ok in classes this semeseter....mostly. Kinda GRAHGH at the amount of reading and writing that I have this semester, though. Stupid 20-page-research-paper and all the readings and stuff.
Granted, i made it through 4 full semesters of classes before I actually had to read stuff to pass the class, though.
So, that's a plus.
On the other hand, this is also the first semester that I've been working 2 jobs at the same time as doing full classes. :(
Oh, yeah, that's new, too. Workin' still at Regal Cinemas, as well as the new job at Wilson Farms as a stock guy.
Yay for having money. :D
I am really enjoying my American Sign Language course, though. I might take ASL 2 next semester, even if i can't do it 'legally' and get credit- I just want to for myself.

Hmmm....President of Commuter Council this semester/year at Buffalo State....which is alright. We got all new furniture and office stuff at the beginning of the semester, but that niceness came with craptastic side effects of:
1) USG losing our water dispenser,
2) Taking all our old furniture without letting us tell them which ones we still wanted,
3) Not allowing us into our room until halfway through the 2ND day of the semester, despite our needing to be open right away, and
4) Freezing our budget almost immediately because we couldn't attend a 'mandatory' meeting.

Also not happy with USG due to their policy of not letting us know about 'mandatory' meetings until about a week before they are due to be, and thus leaving member of C.C. with virtually no time and no chance to request off in order to attend said meeting.

I have new weapons...like, 8 of them. Yay, shiny stuff! Including a really big scimitar. Amongst other things. Like a really bright and very distance-visible green laser pointer. Which I may have lost this weekend while in Maine.
Dunno yet, still looking for it.

Oh, yeah, went to Maine this weekend with Karina and her mom...and we kidnapped Mia on the way to bring her with us. Neat little Fright Night event for letterboxing.

And that's all I've got for the moment. Kinda bored right now, waiting for Shannon to get out of class (which should be in about an hour) so that we can all go out to dinner and to see a movie.

More later.
We'll see.
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