My cat dreams of spatulas

Jan 05, 2007 04:38

Ugh. Holidays.
X-mas is usually not too bad...
New Years, though?
I mean, come on. We don't celebrate the new second. Or new minute. Or day, week, month.
What's so special about a year?
At what point do we really go 'wow, man, it's been a whole ___ already! Let's stop and reflect!'

That said, I had a pretty good time at the Buffalo Irish Center, hanging out wtih Maddy, Mia, Karina, Rina's mother, and listening to Penny Whiskey.
I was amused at Maddy's amazement at my Rubik's cube skills.
Poor Karina, though...she gets really frustrated at the cube. I think she hates that I can do it in two minutes and she can barely get a couple of pieces to go where she wants.

Went back to Renaissance Studios on Tuesday night. Got my tattoo touched up- looks nice now. I had Mikael fill in some of the space in between the knots, so that it looks more like a ring now.
Here, take a look:

Also talked to him about the next one...gettin' way excited about it.
Rina's done a lot on my sketch....I told her basically what I wanted, and she's filled in way lots of it. IT looks great...
Mikael says i'm looking at probably three sessions...but I'm hoping I can sit long enough to get it in two. If not, though, it's ok.

Work's been nice. Doin' pretty good with Crown Clubs most days...oh, and I'm taking home posters nearly every week. Running out of room to decorate my room, now :D
Oh, and I finally have that giant-ass Casino Royale poster. Now I REALLY need to figure out what to do with it.

Got a couple of shiny new weapons :D
A nice, nasty looking scimitar...a set of battle swords that look a lot like the ones Lancelot uses in 'King Arthur' a couple of things for gifts for Daina and Kevin...oh, and a rapier frog, too, so I can carry my rapier at my side.
Add those to my Blade sword that came a few days before, and I'm starting to build a nice sword collection :P
Now I need to make myself a sword shelf.

Getting lots of letterboxing stuff done, too.
i'm in a bunch of postal rings, including a Comic Book Characters ring, Peter Pan ring, Video Game Character ring, Tattoo designs ring, Heros (the TV show) ring, and a D&D ring.
I've got four or five boxes carved and ready to plant, once I find places to put one I'm planting at Regal, probably tomorrow while i'm at work.
And pretty soon, i'm going to start planning my first gathering, I think. *nod*

Got a gaming day at Daina's next Saturday...pretty excited about that. Been itchin' to play D&D for a while, plus Joz's going to join me.
As a bonus, I get to bring all my weapons and show them off :D Oh, and give Daina and Kevin their gifts.
Plus, I'm gonna stop by Schwab's market on the way, and pick up a bunch of those TASTY chocolate chip cookies with the brownies baked INSIDE them! MMmmm.... Yummy.
Oh, and some apple cider if i can, too. *nod* Would like some of that...

Oh, I dont' think I told you what i got for christmas.
Well, let's see...
from Karina, I got....a Da Vinci Code cryptex, plus a letterboxing hunt around the house to find six Bond stamps (each of the actors playing Bond), as well as a brand new logbook which looks awesome...
from my parents, I got....a bunch of clothing, including some black socks and black pants (which i could use for work), as well as a mobile speaker to use for my iPod, as well as a wireless transmitter for my iPod, so i can use my iPod as like a remote for music :P
from my extended family, I got... more clothes (nice lounge-about clothes, plus some other nice shirts and stuff), plus some cash which will be going towards the new tattoo...
and Karina's mom got me a new Rubik's cube (good, because my old one was tough to move around, and most of the colored squares were starting to peel from overuse), some metal disentanglement puzzles, a wooden puzzle (that currently has me stumped, but i'm working on it), and some candy goodies.
Mia and Jeff got me a D&D book, Weapons of's got some awesome info in it. I can't wait to start doing my own campaigns again, because it'll be so fun...
Joz got me a black lava lamp, which i've wanted for a while, and a neat dragon pen-and-letteropener-holder thing. She also got me a D&D book, but is currently mad at Jeff, because she got the same one he, next time we go to the mall, I think we're going to exchange it for one I don't have yet. (It's ok, Joz- I'm really happy you remembered which one I wanted! Hell, I barely did!)
And I think that about covers it...
If i'm forgetting something or someone, I'm sorry. :(

Anyway, I'm tired, so I think i'll finally head to bed.
Gotta get up early-ish tomorrow after all and go to the Post Office, among other places...*Sigh* I wonder if I can steal the car from my mom.
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