"Hey girl, save the liar, can't you see his pants on fire?"

Sep 06, 2006 00:56

So I started my job at Regal Cinemas yesterday. It was pretty cool.
First, I sat down and filled out a little paperwork, mainly tax stuff.
Then I went into the office and watched about 45 minutes worth of instructional videos- one general orientation one, one for ushers, one for concession people, and one for the box office people (which is what I'll be mainly).
After that, Rikki, the manager who hired me and who arrived as i was finishing my last video, took me upstairs and gave me my Regal shirt, which I put on. Then he made my name tag, and took me to the box office, where I spent the next few hours watching Joe, the box office guy, do his job so I could learn. Basically, I stood behind him and watched, and figured it all out.
After a while, it quieted down enough that Joe let me take over and take care of a few people, which I did allright with.
We finished up just shy of 11pm, but I helped Jeff and a few of the concession people clean up, then found out when to come back next from Rikki.
After that, I gave Joe and Jeff lifts home, and headed home myself.
So, all in all, it was pretty cool, with the exception of my damn shoes, which killed my feet. I'm gonna need to get a more comfortable pair...they have to be ALL black, and the only ones like that that I own now are my prom/tux like dress shoes, which were NOT comfy. So, for now i'll have to put some cushioning in them, but soon i'll need new ones. *nod*

Anyway, I work again tommorrow at 6pm.

Which means I have to miss Project Runway with Rina and her family, which kinda sucks. *sigh* but I'll live. We'll just have to make up for it by watching V for Vendetta soon! *grins*
Yeah, I still haven't seen that yet. So shut up, I wont' be watching it until I sit down with Rina for it!

on the subject of movies.... Crank and the Illusionist are both on my to-see list. There's a few others playing that I wouldnt' mind seeing, but I gotta see those first. *nod* Which, I CAN do, because, what's that? I get free tickets! :D Yay perks of working at Regal!

I carved a stamp of Joanna Dark from Perfect Dark today...it looks pretty cool. Next i'm doing Duke Nukem. *nods* that's right! Hail to the King, baby.

I have to go see three theatrical productions this semester for my Theater class. So, for my first one, I'm probably gonna go see A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to the Forum next Wednesday, the 13th, cause my professor says we can see it for free if we mention that we're in her class. Yay, scheduled stuff.

Also, I'll be busy on the 16th- in Medina, playin' D&D with Daina and Kevin and a few others.
Which of course means I won't be going to the Pirate gathering in CT that weekend...*sigh* Kreepy Kelli won't be happy, but oh well. So is life.

I gotta tell her still, too. *frowns*

oh, yeah, so I managed to miss two of my classes this morning.
cause my damn alarm didn't go off. something screwy happened.
Woke up at ten to noon, and realized something was wrong. by the time i figured out what happened, there was all of 5 minutes left in my second class.
Anyway, now it seems i've fixed the thing, but i'm setting a second alarm, just in case. *nods*

man, I can't wait to start getting money for working. I have so much shit i want to buy.
on the list is:
my iPod, which will be, more than likely, the black 60 gig one. Yay for having portable music again!
a new cell phone, cause the Tracphone I have now is irritating.
a certain I AM TEN NINJAS pullover hoodie :D Which I've been wanting for like, a year and a half, from www.dieselsweeties.com ...
plus possibly the Kittens = Poptarts t-shirt from www.goats.com , too....
oh, and let's not forget a few other stuffs, like stuff for Rina, money to send out postal letterboxes with, and, oh, lunch at Buff State.

Seriously, though, that iPod is probably gonna be top on the list for sure. I'm dying for a thing to keep ALL of my music on, one big source...I hate having to double my music and try and keep track of which computer it's on, the main one or the laptop...this way, i'll have it all on the iPod, and either i'll plug it into the laptop and play from there, or into the main computer and play it through there. No worries- get new music, put it on the ipod, nowhere else. *nod*

Hmm...actually, with my credit card, I could actually buy it now, and start paying for it later...hmm.
Tempting. But not now, I have just enough still on there that I can't yet.
So, I think I'll wait a bit...maybe until I get my first paycheck. *nod*

*sighs* though that's not until the 22nd.....

hmm. can you tell I really want that damn iPod?
hell, I've even figured out what I want engraved on the back. :P

I can't find my little reporter's notebook that I used last weekend...haven't seen it since camping. Damn thing, I wonder where I put it....

eh. That's all I've got for today.
other than that I really feel like writing, so I'll probably write the next chapter of Changes soon...it'll be the last chapter, with the exception of the epilogue. *nod*
Then I'll take a break for a while before I start story number two :D

allrighty. i'm outta here.

oh! BTW- Joz, what's with the non-responseiveness to any of my emails lately?


"We just kind of lost our way. But we were looking to be free. One day we'll float. Take life as it comes." ~P.J. Harvey
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