Dec 20, 2010 11:10
Don't get me wrong. However, lately I am sick of it being such a part of my identity. I have been feeling unmotivated to go to the GSA or read up on gay news, or even say anything to people when they use derogatory phrases. I am sick of constantly having to prove to the world that homosexuality is completely normal. I am sick of people staring when I hold Marisa's hand. There is more to me than my sexuality.
For once, I would just like to live my life and love women without having this label pinned to everything I do and everything I am. I feel like a "bad" lesbian and activist for stepping down for awhile, but honestly...
I just want to live my life.
When I finished college I would like to be known as a nurse, not as a nurse who is a lesbian.
When I get married, I would like it be a MARRIAGE instead of a CIVIL UNION.
When I have children I would like for them to be seen with PARENTS, instead of with TWO MOMS.
Is it really so much to ask?