Going insane just to figure this out, but I like it.

May 20, 2011 20:13

Today I finished my week of training for my new job at the URI Feinstein Center for a Hunger Free America, and I am absolutely in love with this job. The training was really intense because it involved 17 hours worth of memorizing every rule, regulation, guideline, financial exemption and exception, and income bracket, all so that I can be qualified to assist people in completing SNAP applications and receiving the appropriate benefits so that they can eat properly. Even after all of that, I still need to take time to review the information tonight.

One day of the training involved going on-site to a senior center in Pawtucket, as well as doing a home visit with a woman that is recovering from cancer. The senior center was adorable, because I love all of the stories that they share with us. However, it was really hard to stay chipper and friendly during the home visit. This woman literally had no way to pay for anything, because she had to leave her job almost a year ago due to her cancer treatments. Her daughter was there and you could see how emotionally drained she was from trying to provide everything that she could. They talked to me and the other worker about how their entire family has been trying to provide every financial help that they can, but they are losing everything because they just can't afford the medical bills and the cost of living. And on top of it all? This incredible woman was so pleasant to talk to! She kept saying how she can't to be healthy enough to go outside and see the birds nest that was recently appeared in her backyard. Seriously made me want to tear up. And they were so grateful to us. I am so that that I have a job that I actually get to HELP people in. Without our services, a lot of the people would need food stamps wouldn't be getting them. It really makes me happy to be able to help people in situations that I used to be in.

Plus, I get paid $10 an hour! And all travel time and mileage is reimbursed extremely generously. It is going to be hard balancing scheduling this job with my other summer job at the English Office, but I'm sure I will figure it out. I hope to work at least 35 hours a week until July 1st (when Pre-Calc ends), and 40 hours a week after that. I am so thankful that I found a good paying job, it's going to nice to pay off my car sooner than expected!

In other news:
  •  I got all A's this semester, and raised my GPA to a 3.83! I honestly am really proud of myself. I took more credits than last semester, I didn't take easy classes by any means, I worked more, and had more responsibilities and stresses. Plus, now it will be easier to keep my goal of graduating with a 3.7 GPA.
  • I was selected (after applying) to receive a grant to go the the Campus Pride Leadership Camp at Vanderbilt University in Tennessee this July. I am really excited. I may have written about this before, but I am not sure. I go from July 19th-26th =]
  • I am also starting my Pre-Calculus class on Tuesday night! Excited and nervous! I am also starting my "Women and Aging" online class next week.
  • Reconnecting with friendships that go on "hold" during the semester's is really lovely. I have been keeping busy seeing Kerstin, Ali, and Kyle, and I have many other plans to see Caterina, Katherine, and Andrew soon. I also have been spending a ridiculous amount of time with Sean and Tiffany, as per usual. It's nice to be able to do crazy reckless things at night, and then be professional and organized for work by the morning.
  • I applied for my passport today, so I can go to Montreal with Marisa August 12th-15th! Can't wait :]
  • Only 4 more days until I am in the glorious Florida sun, and staying at a GORGEOUS Disney World resort! (And seeing Erin!!)
  • My Aunt keeps coming home with tons of new clothes for me. Seriously, I swear that she has purchased well over $250 dollar's worth of new clothing in the past week alone. And this is still prior to our planned shoe shopping day. I don't know the cause of this generosity, but it is really sweet.
  • Hopefully getting a new phone soon. My current one is seriously falling apart.
That’s it for now :]
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