Aug 10, 2003 01:28
hi y'all! craziness...only 5 days left till I go back to school...this was a good day and i think it's worthy of writing was my last day of work at Taco Bell, at least for the summer. I'm happy about that, but I really love the people I worked with and I'll miss them. I hope most of them will still be there when I come back for Christmas break.
tonight I went to anthony and heather's church, the Father's House, and I'm so glad that I did. God totally refreshed me, I've been feeling really dry and without strength lately...He totally knows what we need and comes through just at the perfect time. it was just such a...relief i guess would be an adequate be able to focus on God so easily and to be able to surrender and relax with God. very, very kewl to say the least :0)
then me, rain and evan went to the marketplace to eat and hang out...and abby joined us after she got off work...i got to talk to sarah!! yay! that was cool...found out from sarah that skip's going to simpson college this year. kewl stuff.
in other news (not pertaining to tonight), earlier this week I found out that, mark thallander, my piano teacher from freshman year, got in a car accident on the east coast. he's ok, but his left arm had to be amputated which really, really sucks...a lot..esp. since he was working on his masters and i think it was on the, he was one of the best organists in the in the top five i think...yeah, i just remembered that. man...i just can't believe it...
welp, i think that's it for tonight, i'm tired and need to get up in the morning for church...soooo, i'll talk to all you cool people later. have a good week! love you! God bless you! Oh, and feel free to comment on whatever