Long weekend

Nov 27, 2009 10:03

From LJ-dom:
Leave me a comment saying "Resistance is Futile."
I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can satisfy my curiosity
Update your journal with the answers to the questions
Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions

We Indonesians are having a long weekend, thanks to Eid ul Adha, which is today.

I've been having this idea of making posts about writing wuxia but but (insert multiple headdesking here) presumptuous doesn't even begin to cover this.

From here.

Type 1: The perfectionists. These are the people who find it almost impossible to contain their inner editors, who go back and correct spelling and grammar and change words every five minutes, and who frequently have days when they don't write because they want to keep the plot on track because it's important to them that the book makes sense.

Type 2: The people who just write anything, even if it doesn't really make a coherent story, just to get word count. These people ignore the fact that it'll take months to edit and just focus on finishing and getting that 50k or whatever their goal is, and it doesn't worry them that their plot makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

I'm type 1.5. I do go back and correct grammar and typos, and sometimes add more details, but I dare not spend days not writing anything.

nanowrimo, writing, meme, real life

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