I tried to start writing that Romance of the Three Kingdom AU TeniPuri fic, just to flex my writing muscles, and to my dismay discovered that the story wanted to come out in Bahasa Indonesia instead of English. I don't think this is a good sign.
Now the question is: can Eve write a TeniPuri AU without even attempting to be humorous and crack-ish?
Finished reading A Breath of Snow and Ashes, finally. I'd been spoiled about the ending, and I had my "bzuh?" moment, but there's an understandable reason at least for that particular event to happen. Neat cliffhanger, too. The next book is scheduled to come out this year, so I'll just wait for the paperback version. Current read is Obama's The Audacity of Hope (haha).
Rain, rain, relentless, heavy rain. Is Jakarta being flooded?
opinion on why the wish-fulfillment in Twilight finds such a ready welcome. I still think those are not exactly my kind of wishes, even as a teen, and I definitely wouldn't want a boyfriend who wants to be near me all the time. I cherish my private space too much for that. Btw, I watched the movie, and more than anything else, to me it seems like a valiant effort on the part of the filmmakers to make the best out of The Adventures of Mary Sue and Her Vampire Boyfriend. Kristen Stewart's expression is hilarious, though.