Hippity hop

Dec 30, 2008 05:48

It's going to be a new month in two days, and I hope there will still be free internet from 8 pm to 8 am for another month at least. Yes, ISP, you did it, you got me us dependent on fast and ongoing connection.

Going around LJ, I saw year's-end stats where the posters include the number of rejections they've received this year. If they receive rejections, it means they wrote, right? Like, wrote a lot? Phhhr.

The new round at novel_in_90 begins in January, and fic_off will require participants to finish a long-overdue multiparter before January ends. Just counting the ways to boost my wordcount for getyourwordsout. (Why am I so easily attracted to these shiny challenges?)

Naruto 430: Red + orange = it grows on me.

ETA: Changed the moodtheme, though it's still SPN.

writing, internet, moodtheme, naruto, community

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