Is there any wuxia novel less than 1,000 pages long? Or did I just answer my own question?
Saint Seiya Omega 44.
One hit from Kouga's dark Cosmo and one Shitenou is gone. The kids should start finding ways to harness that Cosmo rather than suppressing it.
Kouga: I've already harnessed it.
Eve: Yay!
Amour: Think again, kid.
Dark Cosmo: O hai everyone.
Toei: Time for some Kouga/Yuna fanservice.
Shitenou: We're taking a break, call us back onstage when the kids need some cannon fodder.
After Ryuuhou being molested by Paradox, now it's Yuna's turn. Not by Paradox, of course.
Wahaha a sudden change in the pitch of Suwabe Junichi's voice.
Mycenae is officially dead then? Boo.
Two younger brothers fighting for their older sisters' dreams. Why can't the sisters fight for their own dreams? Shounen series, you still have a long way to go.
Yuna is the third person Eden calls by name. *sideways look at Toei*
"Because Kouga is stupid, he'll never give up." Shounen logic at its best.
Episode 45 has a character called Misha, voiced by Shindou Naomi. Ludwig's first wife?