Omega ep 4:
. The whole class likes Ryuuhou. Not sure if this is mainly because of his personality or because they're awed by his dad.
. Kyouka Suigetsu? Aizen, is this your son?
. Kouga, as the main character, keeps losing from his opponent. I'm guessing he will also lose from Eden.
. This being a school, there may not be personal student-teacher relationships, in the style of Seiya and Marin or Albafica and Rugonis. Of course, these kids might have had personal teachers of their own before they go to Palaestra.
El Cid Gaiden could be a good example of incremental repetition in a narrative, but I feel it doesn't quite cut it. Because the story has to stretch over nine chapters, El Cid keeps returning to the arena day after day before finally confronting the big baddie. In a shorter story, he'd just have to arrive at the arena once, then take care of business at one go. Maybe a guest star is necessary, like in Manigoldo Gaiden, where Albafica adds to the story's appeal without really stealing Manigoldo's thunder.
So - the important announcement in the next chapter! What do you think it's going to be? Check all that apply:
The third season for the OVA (TMS suddenly found a sponsor!).
An artbook. (My wallet cowers at the thought)
Teshirogi is going to do the Next Dimension manga because Kurumada is too lazy.
A final Gaiden volume featuring all the remaining Goldies. :D
A LosCan musical.
An OVA series for the Gaiden. /very wishful thinking