Mar 23, 2006 03:01
its funny i dont really know if i passed my java i tried really fuckin hard, i think i passed i just hope i got enough to get sixty overall cause i did shitty in the end. Im gonna start tutoring this girl named jamie on the weekend. Ironicness is is that the money i get from the government from her, i will be giving to my friend, probably greg, if i pass java, to help me with java next term. I had fun tonight went to hush with ambert and her roommates danced alot, lately ive been getting drained by amber, i mean shes a wonderful person, i thi8nk shes beautiful, but she doesnt make me feel special. It kinda gets gets redundant after awhile, her roomates do tho which makes me just wonder why, when i have tried to get rid of her, she still keeps coming back, and then with gifts.