Rape, rape, rapity, rape. I swear, I don't go looking for these.

Aug 08, 2005 22:54

Mrs. Sparrow #2 is actually the author of a Will/OC.

TITLE: For Seasons untold.
CULPRIT: Jack Sparrows piratette

SUMMARY: Teresa snd Will are in love but the father of her unborn child returns.

Best line: The small pump that was growing around Teresas middle never let her forget either, but she also blamed herself. Pregnancy comes in all shapes, sizes, and...er...inanimate objects, I guess.


HAIR: "Long, blonde hair" "her waist length hair down and straight"
EYES: Not described
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: She is pregnant with a small pump. She is also pale. Oh, and beautiful, naturally.
OH-SO-SPESHUL POSSESSIONS: "a long light blue dress which was ripped in the random place"
OBNOXIOUS AND/OR IMPLAUSIBLE ORIGIN: Two parents with whom she was quarreling before she stepped outside for a breath of fresh air and a bit o' gang rape.
OBNOXIOUS AND/OR IMPLAUSIBLE CANON CONNECTIONS/AFFILIATIONS: She's Will's One True Love that Definitely Isn't Elizabeth Because Elizabeth Married Norrington.
SOOPER SPESHUL ABILITIES: None, unless you count eventually giving birth to a piece of machinery.

The "Plot":

The damsels of Port Royal seem to lack common sense. I can find no other explanation for why Mary Sue decides that the best remedy for quarreling with her parents is to run out of the house and down a deserted alley in the dead of night. She mentions later on that she has no other family and no friends, so where would she run off to? It defies comprehension, unless you're the author of a Suefic and are trying to find a quick way to get pity for your heroine.

So, anyway, Sue runs out of the house and gets raped repeatedly. It's...weird. It sounds like there was a gang of scoundrels getting ready to pounce, and as soon as Sue stepped outside, then BOOM! Instant assault. Wouldn't her parents be able to overtake her quickly if she ran-especially her father, who wouldn't be hampered by the constricting women's clothing of the time? And what happened to all of Norrington's men? They can't all be guarding the harbor; I'm sure there must be some police out at night. Surely they would notice a distraught young blonde running down the street. And even if there were a gang of rapists out, why wouldn't they pick someone less, oh, flamboyant, like a girl of the lower classes? There wouldn't be nearly as much risk in that. (I assume this Sue used to be upper-class because she casually mentions her father sailing back to England with his mistress-not something a man of small means would usually do.)

Sue is rescued from her rape by Prince Charm-er, the Man with the Dreamy Voice. This man is obviously Will. Next question: what is Will doing outside and down a deserted alley in the dead of night? Since there is no reasonable answer, let's return to Will's pining for Elizabeth. He does this for two seconds before he reminds himself that she ran off with Commodore Norrington. Will promptly runs into the Sue again and they have a few awkward moments of conversation, during which the last vestiges of Elizabeth are erased from Will's mind.

This is not only because of Teresa's tremendous Sue beauty, but also because she is sad and pitiable and tragic, for her clothing is in tatters and no one loves her.

Maybe someone would pay attention to her if she weren't so outrageously stupid.

Notes: This fic isn't actually that bad. Certainly not as bad as the one we had last time. That's not to say that the Suethor gets the concept of subject-verb agreement or how to stay in one tense, or that the canon characters aren't out of character, or there isn't needless abuse and angst, or that the Sue isn't astoundingly alluring for a pregnant woman in tattered clothes. But by and large, the writing isn't as hard to come to grips with. There aren't quite as many anachronisms as usual, either, and the author focuses almost as much attention on Will's character as on her Sue, a rare feat in PotC fanfiction. All around, there's just a little more thought than we usually see going on behind the writing.

Plus, I laughed hardest not at the Mary Sue, but at the fact that Will's donkey is named Petunia.

THIS IS A Pirates Of The Caribbean FANFIC Gee, you think?

Teresa knew what was wrong with her after the horrible night that she still relives in her dreams. Though 4 months on she still doesn’t know who saved her from the miscreants that raped her. All she remembered was that he was tall, dark and had the most dreamy voice you have every heared. Is it just me, or would it be extremely strange to be concerned with how dreamy a man's voice sounds just after you've being brutally gang-raped?

The small pump that was growing around Teresas middle never let her forget either, but she also blamed herself. Why had she been on her own that night? Why did she run out of her parents house over a stupid argument? Why didn't her parents go after her, or send for the police? Unless the "miscreants" were lying in wait just beyond the front door. They were all answers that Teresa had to forget but she played them back and forth in her head day after day, night after night.

She now lives on her own, her Mother died of the consumption and her father left the Caribbean to go back to England with his mistress, at only 17 Teresa had no friends or family, branded a whore and nobody to help her and her unborn child. "Branded" a whore seems to mean that she actually isn't one. So how does she-a single, pregnant girl, in the colonial era, with no parents-support herself? Especially since, as we'll see shortly, the only thing she seems to do is moon about all day?

In a small Blacksmith shop in Port Royale, young Will Turner was busy, making an order for the crew of the Dauntless. Commodore Norrington had ordered them new for their new to be captain, Lt Gillette.

He had been working for 5 long hours now but still had 20 more swords to make, he decided to open the window to let the hot air out and the cool air in. He walked over to the window, opened it as wide as he could and looked up to the sky, he loved the blueness of the sky, it reminded him of his true love, Elizabeth Swann, not her eyes but the way she is always happy, made him think of the colour of the sky on a warm breezy morning.

While looking up at the sky, he moved his eyes to the building opposite, It was a block of small rooms, but he noticed that one of the windows was also open and a young maiden was standing there, holding her tummy. He didn’t know why, but she looked familiar, like he had met her before. He had, in fact, met her before, a thousand times and more. Her name was Mary Sue, and he was her prey. He kept staring at her, trying to remember were he had seen her pale face and long blonde hair before. The young maiden must have seen him staring because she backed away slowly out of sight. Will sighed and decided to carry on with the order, he too backed away from the window slowly hoping he could have a last look at the pale beauty. Wasn't he just rhapsodizing on how much he loved Elizabeth?

In which everyone is ok.

Here is the next chapter, Thanks for that. I wouldn't have guessed that it was the next chapter from the change in the web address bar, or the way it says "Chapter Two" on the drop-down menu.

It was a nice breezy day, Will Turner had finally finished his order and had been asked to deliver them to the Governors house hold. I wonder if this means that Elizabeth is the "Governors'" daughter. Will did not mind this because Elizabeth lived there and he hadn’t seen her for a while.

Will was ready to deliver the 40 or so swords, but he did not know how, he didn’t want to walk down the road towards the Governors residence with 40 swords in his arms, but he couldn’t afford to get a carriage. Since the total is 40, and Will specified that after working for 5 hours, he had 20 swords to go, that means that Will can bang out a fully-functional weapon every fifteen minutes. What a spectacular blacksmith! He decided on taking them a few at a time by using the donkey that turns the turbine. Turbine?*

He made a sling out of an old jacket, tied it so the swords wouldn’t drop out and attached it to a belt made for the donkey.

He set off out the doors (he once threw a sword at to stop Jack Sparrow escaping) and down the street.

Teresa had woken up to her neighbours fighting again, this happened every day and she was getting fed up with it.

As she had nothing in the small room for her to eat, she set out for the small market place before the port.

It was a pleasant day so Teresa decided not to wear a jacket: she wore a long light blue dress which was ripped in the random place and her waist length hair down and straight. And since she was walking the streets in broad daylight, she was soon arrested for public indecency. She held a small basket so she could carry her groceries home without a struggle.

She walked at a slow pace, not being very hungry and not needing to do anything specific today, she thought she would take her time and make the most of the beautiful day! First, she goes to the market because she has nothing to eat. Then, it turns out she's not hungry. Then, not only does she not need to eat, she doesn't need to do anything! It's no wonder she's poor.

‘Fresh fish love, fresh fish. Fresh from my very own boat, may I interest you in 3 large cods for 4 shillings miss?’ *

The fish monger looked dirty, Teresa didn’t fancy the fish that he was selling at all.

‘No thank you sir, no thank you.’

She walked on looking for eggs and a loaf of bread. Teresa couldn’t see the old woman who usually sold her 4 eggs and half a loaf for 2 shillings every morning, she was always there plus she was the only person selling eggs. Teresa decided on 2 apples and small piece of beef form the butcher!

All in all she spent 4 shillings that morning and had only 3 left to last the day. She was to start work tomorrow in the tavern opposite the blacksmiths shop.

While walking home, Teresa wondered into a day dream. She knew the route home because she had done it 2 times a day for 5 months. She was thinking about that day again, and the handsome man who had saved her, replaying his voice over and over in her head.

‘Hey, hey what are you doing down there?’ If this is supposed to be Will, why didn't he chase the criminals, or at least stop one by throwing his sword?

‘Com’ on lads, lets get outa here!’ And if this is a group of hardened criminals, why would they flee from one blacksmith?

‘Are you ok, miss, miss? SOMEBODY HELP.....’

She couldn’t help reliving it, a part of her wanted her to forget it, but she didn’t want to forget his voice. Teresa was still daydreaming when she bumped into something large and hairy.

‘I am so sorry I didn’t see...you...’

She drifted off, because she knew his face, of course she had walked into a donkey but the man on the other side guiding the donkey look familiar.

‘Its ok miss...are you ok?’ No, because "Ok" is not a word yet!

She knew his voice, she knew it so well because she played it in her mind over and over again every day, it was him, the man that had saved her from the thugs in the alley.

‘Yes...yes I am fine, I just...your him!’

It was the most stupid thing to say, but she couldn’t help it.

‘I’m who?’

The young man look puzzled

‘Oh, I am sorry I, I have the wrong person please forgive me!’

With that Teresa ran, leaving the young man in a daze of confused thoughts

After delivering the swords and having a little word with Elizabeth (soon to be Mrs Norrington), GAAAAAH! There we go AGAIN. I just ranted about this nonsense the last time! Why did Elizabeth leave the love of her life for Norrington? Why did Norrington accept her after he knew that she loved Will? Why isn't Will more hurt about this? walked over to the Donkey.

‘Ok Petunia, time to go back for the next round!’

The donkey grunted as in protest but followed her master.

While walking Will couldn’t stop thinking about Elizabeth, he had let her slip through his fingers, he wanted her to have the best and in his eyes he was not. He was remembering the time he rescued Elizabeth and also fought skeletal pirates aboard his friends ship The Black Pearl. Jack Sparrow had helped him and also helped himself!

He didn’t see the girl walking towards him, until Petunia stopped and made him near fall over. The girl was the same girl at the window the day before, he remembered her long hair and her pale skin, the bump on her tummy was unmistakeable, his thoughts of Elizabeth disappeared. Yep, they just...

...disappeared. Were gone, never to return. Sure, I'll believe that.

‘I am so sorry I didn’t see...you...’

The girl paused before saying ‘you’, it was like she recognised him.

‘Its ok miss...are you ok?’

Will tried to sound as concerned as he could, he really wanted to ask her name.

‘Yes...yes I am fine, I just...your him!’

Will was shocked, she knew who he was but the wrong words retreated from his mouth.

‘I’m who?’

He felt a complete dope for saying this, he wondered what the pale beauty was going to say next.

‘Oh, I am sorry I, I have the wrong person please forgive me!’

He couldn’t believe it, as soon as the words were heard the young girl ran, Will wanted to shout her back but something occurred to him, the girl was the same girl he rescued 4 or 5 months ago, his heart sank. Now he knew why she lived alone and why she knew him. He also figured that the bump was part of the horrific event. "The bump." It sounds like the unborn child is a zit or something.

none too pretty

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