the weekend is over? wtf...

Apr 06, 2003 13:36

bleh okay, well i'll start this off on a good note, for the first time in 3 weeks, this is my first weekend with out a ticket while being on barrett parkway, so yay.... let's see... friday... didn't do shit, had to go to work for some stuff, but anyways, went to barrett, saw liz and had a little drama, long ass story but the point is, people over reacted and didn't think, but it was all good for me and her, and everyone else, i'm starting to get mixed feelings, and i don't... well i do know what i want to do, but i know it's just going to fuck me over in the long run...

on to saturday, well, i was sick as hell, god damn pollen, i woke up, with my nose running, my eyes red and my throat a mess... went to publix picked up some cleariton and it was all good, meet up with rick, washed our carsa little, then some guy video taped him for some project driving his car, was pretty cool... after that just drove, went to jennifers house, drove more then on my way to barrett parkway some jetta is like on my ass, so i think it's some ricer playing around, when we get to a red lights turns out to be like a 25 year old girl, with her boyfriend or spouse, and a few kids in the back, they were like "holy snap, that car is fly!" and so on, i was laughing so hard, there was one kid in the back who was like "gaawwwwd damn shawty, when you dont want that car, gime a call!" i was like "yup ;-) " it was so funny it cheered me up.. hmm went driving with rick in the steeda say tommy and liz, didn't really say much, actually there was nothing to say = sometimes, i really would like to know what people think, wouldn't that be awesome? oh yea also went to atoms house, saw him and doug for the first time in months, it was pretty fun actually...

well yeah, im going to wash my car, it's yellow and yucky... kk later
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