and then there was... drama

Apr 02, 2003 22:23

okay first off, the song im playing right now is the best fucking techno song ever, so go download it...

okay, so there's been this thing going on the past two days, about this girl i really care about, her bf, her ex and her friend.... so her ex starts spreading all these fake rumors and blahhh it's really long ass story and im sure they don't want me ranting about it, but i do care, i know it will all work out at the end....

work is really starting to get to me... i had to run in to work today and do my job... the co-workers are really getting on my nerves, they joke around, and i get it, but it's over and over and they're so annoying wtih eachother.. ohwell last few days, cause i get my paid days off, and then my two week notice, so fuck that place... fuck it hard... and fast... and ya... heh, or well it's work, nothing much you can do about that...

school isn't that bad, grades are coming up, teachers are still bitching and shit, but hell, my last two months in highschool, shit im happy... plus prom was pretty fun, even though glen totally fucked shit up, we still made the best of it all, right kelly and salina? ofcourse it is... kelly you're so good, you don't need that shit from that fucker... man no one is putting up with his shit...

so i guess im going to go to angies house tomorrow, she's really cool, hang out, maybe go to the mall or something - i think im picking her up from school, i don't know, she needs to call me and let me know - then im going to spend time with liz this weekend, i can't wait - it's going to be so much fun! yup, guess that's it, nothing else interesting to post about... oh yeah... wait nevermind...
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