inspired by a post about astrology stuffs, by
this lady.
i was in a fabric store in edgewater, the part of edgewater that is more like rogers park (read: less like retirement-to-high-rises-by-the-water, miami-style but abandoning aspirations to hip-ness, and more like a smashing together of folk from all over in a way that is smashing like, really, few other places), looking for some gauzey material, walking past the hip duo chatting up the fabric-cutting chap about what one of them is designing, for some artsy project.
hip duo had no plastic-rimmed dark glasses and was wearing designer nothing. their clothes did not reveal everything in terms of shape, but were well fitting and, well, more hip than what, say, i'd wear, to go to a fabric shop. they looked like they'd be comfortable in a music video, sipping some high quality orange juice, in a warm climate with an oceanic breeze. they were slim but not wiry and wore clothes that fit well, but flowed, and weren't super tall but had good posture, or else they might have been tall but were leaning over a table of fabrics. their skin was what i think of as burnt umber, but not the one you find on wikipedia (i just looked it up).
(i think i'm projecting warm climate 'cause they were wearing bright colours, specifically the bolder shades that i like and associate with miami)
i walked by them, looking for gauze, and arguably hoping to catch some of the hip air that they simply exuded.
"are you a libra?" the designer of the two asked me (the other was helping him out).
"no," i replied, happy though that they'd talked to me, because i was Shy Heather that day and therefore not approaching strangers for talk, for direct connection. wishing though that it hadn't been about the stars in that way.
"dude, you're not gonna guess," the companion guy helping the designer guy interjected after he'd tried a third.
"alright, what's your sign?" designer asked.
"virgo," i replied.
"what date?" designer inquired.
actually, he started guessing. a few tries and then he gave up, and i told him.
"oh, that's just a few days from when my mother was born," he said.
"do you believe in astrology?" one of them asked.
more talk, and then the fabric-cutting chap interjected to ask how much of one of the bolts the designer wanted.
i wish i hadn't been Shy Heather; then i could've asked them what they were designing. but recalling why i was Shy Heather at the store, eh, its a little better.