Top ten things I like beginning with the letter...
dystmesis gave me the letter D, so here we go.
1. D is for Divisionals, my baby's story that I've been helping her with.
2. D is for DeBruce, my last name, which I'm proud to have.
3. D is for Death Note, one of my favorite manga/anime.
4. D is for Deathscythe and Duo Maxwell, the best gundam/pilot combination there has ever been.
5. D is for Deviantart, the place for artists like me.
6. D is for Doom, that goodness of which Gir sings.
7. D is for Danny Elfman, my favorite composer.
8. D is for Dead Letters, the Rasmus' album that my favorite song comes from.
9. D is for Decepticons, who are insanely cool, but not so much as the Autobots.
10. D is for Dooky, which comes from my butt, like many of the answers on this meme. ^_^
Yeah, this was kinda hard to do. Comment me if you want a letter of your own.