clemson in my heart, summer on my mind.

May 03, 2005 00:45

I have been avoiding this update because it is my last one here as a freshman at Clemson University.
It doesnt seem as sad as being a senior in high school and anticipating a whole life change.
It doesnt seem like I'll hold on to as many things as hard as I did when I left my home in Chester or even my home in Chapin.
It does seem like imma be here next year and I have never been more excited about fall semester again.
Hopefully I will be graduating with orange and purple on my cap, my dipolma, on my gown, but more importantly in my heart, thru my blood.
I did work my butt off in high school for a reason, and I'm not letting this school, my home, ever leave me behind.
I feel like as my life seems to keep on speeding up, I am realizing what's still on my course and what and who's taken another road. My delayed reaction may have come a little later than others, but as they say, "Better late than never." I may seem almost late in everything I do, but it's always right on my time and lately that's what seems to matter most in my life.

So if anyone says you can't change your mind.
Think again.
It's your life.
Change it as many times as you want to.
til you get it right with you.

I wanna take a moment and speak of my 7D Ladies.
The goofy stuff first...
Lue, Teague Weaguey (yes i made that up) megk0419 ;), Whittata, my Cara Girl, Suelau, and Kris.
These girls made 7D, Lever, and Clemson my home away from home and more so now, my home.
The cold water pranks, the magical piece of bread, waiting on lindsay, waiting on heather, waiting on lindsay again, then heather forgetting everything so we have to go back, yells down the hall, borrowing Suelau's clothes, dinner dates, lauras sense of direction..or lack there of, cara leaving us, slip-n-slide with meg, kris' lake house, astronomy tests with 20 people in one room, naps in each others rooms, movie nights, lauras and my chats on the hill for 3 hours, teagues and my record time in hendrix, whitney crying before her math test, suelau throwing up bc she saw a moldy cooler, meeting lindsay teague for the first time with her black pearls on, FCA with meghan, laying out at the Y beach, makeout names, suelau losing her pants, cara's visit back to clemson, our road trip, scotty doesnt know, our franz obsession, oc nights, the blue dogs, target trips, breakfast at schilletter and bringing teague a doughnut bc shes lazy, candaces apartment, ben and reids, lawtons, 7D1's drama and screaming...

oh man the list goes on.
but laura, lindsay, whitney, cara, laura, meghan, and kristen...
when i call u by your real names u know i am being serious mode..
I love these girls more than life, honestly.
They say you dont live unless you have something worth dieing for.
My family.
Blood and chosen. Yall make me so complete.
We all experienced the best year of our lives together and the hardest year of our lives together.
We all left our best friends, our boyfriends, our parents behind and we helped each other out in so many different ways.
We found out when shit hits the fan, it hits the fan hard and you can't get through things like that alone.
We soon found what we missed and longed for in each other, that it was all on under our noses all along.
Im so lucky to be such a close knit hall. So lucky to have such a group of unique backgrounds from close by and far away to experience my freshman year of college with me.
so many people to for me to love and visit this summer!

Next year 7D is going to be a part of my family that I can call on for help, to hang out, for whatever.
Not b/c I have to, not b/c there's no one else to call, but because you are the ones who made me want to stay, who showed me who i am, who helped me get through so much this past year.
I dont know how to say thank you, but I hope you all know it and you can feel that I love you guys.

This summer better kick ass bc these exams are doing just that to me right now.
I took one saturday morning, but i still have three to go.
im glad i have good library friends to keep me from studying though.
i really would rather laugh and play than study.

But I hope everyone has a safe fun money making summer.
I know we all need it.

To my northern friends.
u better come visit me in RIC...
and Chris, my twin!
No excuses.
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