open up your eyes and take me as i am.

Apr 09, 2005 23:08

Recently, I have realized I have a lot to be thankful for and a lot of things that make me feel awesome like...

Having a deep intellectual heart to heart with your best friends that could possibly go on for an eternity and some.
Pouring the perfect amount of Gatorade mix into your water bottle when you don’t think you can wait any longer for a drink.
Grabbing a lucky handful of Trail Mix filled with colorful M&Ms.
Laying out in the spring sun and feeling all the worries of winter float away.
Discovering that nothing beats the relaxation of doing your work outside inbetween classes instead of the library or your dorm room.
Running perimeter with Emma and reflecting on the highs and lows of our day.
Seeing a friend who you haven’t seen in three or four years.
Going out at night with that old friend and realizing how true friendship never fully disappears.
Passing time with my roommate, turning up the Tams, and shagging in our little dorm room.
Having supportive parents.
Packing up and putting away all your winter clothes.
Taking that cold cold shower with a hot hot sunburn.
Anticipating what the hands of summer will bring for us.
Anticipating college basketball again and again.
Reading and rereading old love letters.
Jumping in the car and taking random road trips.
Hearing three of your favorite songs played back to back when you put your music on shuffle.
Being ready to do anything spontaneous after FCA, like slip and slide down Bowman.
Starting to actually use all my speed dials and loving its convienence.
Riding with the windows down and music loud.
Reading old livejournals and laughing and awing because you realize why making memories are so important.
Bringing back an “old school band of the week” from middle school and realizing you are getting older faster than you think.
Tasting that first sweet sip of Dr. Pepper when I’ve been forever without and getting by with Mr. Pibb.
Eating at Schilletter with Whittata, seeing Coach Purnell taking a new recruit and his family out to fine dining at Clemson, and realizing that made me respect him more.
Feeling closer and learning more from people who are not as present in your life anymore.
Making time for reading books for your own leisure.
Learning how to accept change and to love people for who they want to be.
Getting the “keeping in touch” phone calls from people at different colleges.
Giving the calls because you know how much it brightens your day.
Listening to a new song that you can’t get over because it was apparently written for your life
Going to baseball games and loving the fans, the families, the tailgating, the hotdogs and hamburgers, the lemonade, the homeruns, the cheers, the spirit, the weather… everything.
Studying for tests or writing a paper even if it takes up a weekend night because you know where your priorities stand.
Having faith in things you have no control over.
Looking at my caller ID and smiling when Derek calls.
Letting things "just roll off your back".

It's crazy how warm weather has a way of making a happier person.
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