I am forever sinking in your sand...

Mar 22, 2005 20:10

I got my wisdom teeth out at 8:30 AM this morning.
I really wasnt too nervous; I just wanted to get it over with.
They started putting the IVs and all this mess in me all at once. Thats when I get a little overwhelmed, but before I knew it I suppose I was out.
I dont even remember the ride home, or passing out, or my conversation with mom and Laura.
I have yet to take any of the pain killers; it most definately is starting to hurt a little, but I think I'm going to wait til I go to bed.
Kara and Cov came over earlier and surprised me with gifts. If only I could eat the candy! But the day will soon be here and I'll love it.
Kara has actually been here with me all day; studying, listening to me snore and drool, and watching some NIT games.
That's love and I love her so much.
I really appreciate all the phone calls and messages I've gotten. It really has made me feel so much better.
I get by with a little help from my friends.
Thanks John Lennon.

Hey Laura, what band is he from?? haha

All of the gang is in Beaufort. They seem to be having fun. It's raining really bad and there are hurricane warnings, but I pray they stay careful with all that mess. I wish i could be there, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

This past weekend was nothing sort of wonderlous. I had so much fun seeing the majority of those games. UNC most definately gave the whole entire crowd the best games, for me. But then again the Duke Mississippi State game I found myself pulling for the Dookie Butts, and I didnt seem to mind. Well, actually, i dont know what came over me. But it wont last long once MSU kicks their aces!
It was also really good to see Nick and spend some time with him. I felt like I hadnt seen him in an eternity and his hair being shaved made it seem even longer.

Well, i want to eat something delicious. but i cant. i am going to get ready to watch south carolina. hopefully i'll stay awake long enough to know what's going on.
then i can take the vicidon and pass the hell out.
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