We are having a lovely time at my mother-in-law's house in South Dakota. The kids are marinating in the love, and Tom is relaxing, which is vital to the family's well-being. I've been getting more sleep (10-12 hours per night!) than I thought I needed, which is probably what I really need.
So far, we've taken the kids to a horse farm owned by my MIL's beau. (They've been dating for almost six years, and aren't getting married any time soon. Calling someone a boyfriend when they are both in their seventies seems awfully twee.) In addition, we've seen Devil's Gulch in Garretson, SD, where Jesse James "jumped the gulch" to get away from the authorities. We took a lovely pontoon boat ride on Split Rock Creek where the captain of the ship made many, many Norwegian jokes. It's a regional specialty.
Tomorrow, if the weather is nice, we're all going to the zoo in Sioux Falls. If the weather is rainy as it was today, we'll all go see "Up" in a nearby town that has a theater. The town we are in is so small that it only has one grocery store and no stoplight.
However, my family is happy and relaxed. I don't need much else this week.
I'll be pulling up stakes Friday when we head out to Minneapolis for a night and I hopefully get to meet
posthaste ! Saturday morning, we'll be having breakfast with Tom's aunt, uncle, assorted cousins, and offspring, then catching a flight home.