I wonder why all I seem to type is angsty stuff. I suppose I could workout, but I don't know if I want to and somehow that isn't okay. Yeesh. Fat cat on the sofa nuzzling my bills. Maybe he'll pay them. Trevor is going to the gym. Oh, hell. Maybe I'll do twenty minutes of yoga. Michael is blowing me off. How very typical of him. Good. Weird to see him. (now watch him call)...Looking forward to today. Seeing Amy and lunch w/ Trev too. Evening should be fun too. No extensive traveling!!! Got to balance my checkbook.
Things I have to do before Monday:
- laundry
- buy fuzzy socks
- buy toothbrush heads
- contact Liz and find out how this whole bus thing is going to work
- pack
- bake cookies/bring small notebook
- buy notecards
- get money out for week
- pay rent
- buy cat food and litter
- remember charger for cell phone and ipod
Okay, what to bring:
I'm staying Monday - Sunday. So, I'll need:
- sheep pj's
- warm socks
- 1 workout outfit
- plum pants & black sweater
- grey pants & tank w/ wrap
- taupe pants
- jeans
- black yoga pants
- blue yoga pants
- pink tank
- purple tank
- black tanks
- black cardigan
- purple sweater
- purple cardigan
- teal cardigan
- short socks
Okay, brief diversion. Michael called me back and we are going to get dinner or something. Should be interesting. Wow. I really should shower.