Queries, Partials, and Cofee, OH MY!

Jan 12, 2007 10:59

So, I sent off my first agent query on the Pirate book. My husband got all excited, planning how to spend my first advance, so I reminded him that the publishing world is a world of rejection and sadness and frustration, and showed him my list of agents all lined up to receive their queries once this one is rejected.

But, by some sort of statistical error, a partial manuscript was requested from my very first go!


Turns out I write a damn good query. Let's see if the book measures up! (hahahahaha <-- nervous laughter)

To give you an idea of how cool this is, I actually have statistics from the agency I queried:

Number of queries received and responded to last year: 20,800
Number of partial manuscripts requested: 482
Number of full manuscripts requested: 57
Number of new clients signed last year: 8

So, in short, if I get a full manuscript request, I'll pee myself... then I'll probably have a few literary orgasms. In all it should get messy over here. I don't recommend hanging out with me for the next few months.

On a side note: it may take them up to 2 months to review my partial manuscript. So by day 40, I will be strung out like a meth addict. Fair warning.

publishing, agents, joyness, depends undergarments, writing, book

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