Fic: Sex and Candles

Feb 24, 2006 15:58

This is a late birthday fic for jennillu. Hope it's what you wanted!

Title: Sex and Candles
Author: heather
Disclaimer: Everything belongs to Joss Whedon and others who are not me.
Pairing: Angel/Willow/Cordelia
Rating: NC-17
Summary: PWP - Willow gets her birthday wish.
Warning: femslash

“Angel! Look out!”

Angel whirled around, sword brandished, just in time to lop off the head of the hideous, seven foot tall beetle demon, a moment before it would have used its pinchers to sever his spine. The head wobbled for a moment, then rolled backwards off the body and landed in the mud with a wet plop. Disgusting green bug blood spurted from the neck as the body fell forward, splattering all over Angel’s favorite black shirt. Swearing, he turned back to look for Buffy and spotted her through the pouring rain, finishing off the last two demons in her own personal style - essentially pummeling them into large lumps of insect guts.

Wiping his sword off in the sodden grass of the cemetery, Angel kept an eye out for any additional foes, but he felt fairly certain that they had cleaned out the entire nest. Cordelia’s vision had been as accurate as he could have hoped, telling them the exact size of the nest and the location. It had only neglected to inform them of the nauseating reason why they had invaded the cemetery in the first place, though, given his own diet, Angel could hardly throw stones at another demon for its preference for dead flesh.

Buffy jogged up to him, having decided that the demons were dead enough. Her wet shirt clung to her breasts, prominently displaying her nipples, and Angel had a bad moment where he remembered all too clearly the power that such a sight used to hold over him. Now, after a perfunctory ogle that was no less than she would get from any man she passed on the street, Angel found that he had no urge to drag his ex behind the nearest mausoleum and tear her clothes off. Their year apart had been good for both of them, and as soon as he could get back to LA where he belonged, it would be even better.

“Hey, not bad,” Buffy said, eyeing the headless demon lying behind Angel as she caught her breath. Then she looked back at him, and at his shirt in particular. “Ever notice how demons never bleed anything that smells nice?”

“Heh, yeah,” he said. “Well, I guess that’s the last of them.” He waited for her to recognize the dismissal.

“Yeah, well, thanks for your help. I’m sure you and Cordy want to be getting back.” Buffy looked around as though expecting the seer to suddenly appear beside them in one of the flashes of lightning that periodically lit their surroundings. “Where is she, anyway? I haven’t seen her since she pointed out the nest to me hours ago.”

Angel silently cursed Cordelia for putting him in the position of having to admit that he wasn’t leaving just yet. “Um, actually, she got invited to some party tonight. I’m just going to wait around for her.” It still burned that she’d used the pretense of giving him a daylight ride into Sunnydale, supposedly so that he could be there and ready to fight as soon as the sun went down, when she really just wanted to come along for some social event.

Buffy raised her eyebrows. “Wow, still the popular girl, huh? In town for one day and getting party invites?” Angel shrugged. “Well, if you don’t want to do your waiting around out here,” Buffy held out her hands to indicate both the graveyard and the still-pouring rain, “you can come back to my place for awhile. We’re actually having a party of our own.”

Angel wondered if this wasn’t just some excuse to spend time with him. He thought Buffy would have been over him by now, especially with her new boy toy in his fancy uniform. On the other hand, he didn’t hate the idea of getting out of the rain, and he really had nowhere else to go until Cordelia decided to call him. He didn’t even know where her party was. “What’s the occasion?” he asked.

“Willow’s birthday. With Tara doing the whole summer volunteer camp thing, we wanted to make sure she didn’t feel too lonely. I’ve gotta warn you though, Xander’s in charge of the entertainment, so don’t get your hopes up.”

Angel managed half a smile. “Sounds great,” he lied.


Willow lay curled on her bed with a few pages of slightly damp and crumpled notebook paper clutched in one hand. She had already read Tara’s birthday letter at least a dozen times, and still felt sorry for herself that her girlfriend wasn’t around to help her celebrate. Buffy would be finished doing her big demon slaying thing with Angel soon and expecting her to come over for a party with the rest of the gang. She carefully avoided thinking any overly negative thoughts about the situation, having learned her lesson from recent events.

At first Willow had assumed that the intense and frantic lovemaking she’d shared with Tara in the week before she left for the volunteer camp in Brazil had simply stemmed from the impending three months of celibacy. Now she knew differently. She wondered how things would have turned out if she’d had her way and been able to go along with her girlfriend, but her parents wouldn’t hear of it. They refused to spend money for Willow to go off to some filthy country to be used for manual labor along with that odd girl, as they put it. When Willow suggested that she could earn the money herself, they suggested that she better be able to earn enough to pay for the next three years of college while she was at it.

Tara offered to stay behind, but Willow knew she had her heart set on going. She already had her application in, and Willow understood what it meant to her to be able to help those in need. She also understood that after the less-than-accepting reaction of Willow’s friends to the announcement of their true relationship, Tara needed some time away. As much as she was able, Willow hid the real reason of her parents’ refusal to permit her to go along. Whether they had begun to suspect the witch thing, or the lesbian thing, or both, and whether they only suspected Tara, or their daughter as well, Willow wasn’t sure, but she knew it to be one of the above.

So, Tara had gone alone to Brazil, taking with her Willow’s promise that someday they would go back together, and that’s when things got strange.

At first, it was barely noticeable. Willow caught herself checking out the girls in short skirts that came into the Magic Box. She told herself that it was just because she missed Tara and the sight of another woman’s body. But the lust she felt for these nameless girls came with an ancient hunger she did not recognize as anything she’d ever experienced before. Her every whimsical desire seemed to plague her to give into it, and the more she suppressed these urges, the stronger they became.

When Tara had been gone only a few days, Willow sat at a table in the Magic Box late at night, researching the latest baddie, and desperately trying to stay awake as she pawed through the endless stack of tomes in front of her. At last, a description on the page in front of her seemed to fit the demon they were after, and at the bottom she noticed a reference to further information in another book, one she was quite familiar with. Yawning, she looked around on her table, but the book wasn’t there. Then she spotted it on the counter by the cash register, and frowned at the prospect of having to walk over and get it. She was so tired, that even opening her mouth to ask Anya to bring it to her seemed like too much effort. Absurdly angry, she wanted nothing more at that moment than for the book to be in her hands already. And it was. It didn’t float across the room or make any sort of popping sound or flash of light, it simply appeared right where she wanted it. No one else noticed a thing.

Willow knew that she had caused the book to move as surely as she knew her own name. She hadn’t meant to move the book, even though the result had been exactly what she had desired. If accidental transportation spells weren’t cause enough for worry, she also noticed that afterwards, she felt a strange sense of peace that she hadn’t felt since Tara had left. It was as though some hidden beast inside her had been satiated, yet she felt the state to be temporary.

In less than a day, the restlessness returned. By the time a week had elapsed since Tara’s departure, Willow couldn’t even be in the room if Buffy was wearing a tank top.

Shortly after the incident with the book, Willow found herself alone one night, somewhat relieved by the lack of stimulus for her suddenly overactive sex drive, but feeling mildly uncomfortable nonetheless. For no particular reason she thought of chocolate and its fabled relationship with sex as either an aphrodisiac, or a substitute for it. The power of suggestion gave her a sudden, intense craving for chocolate chip cookies. A moment later, a freshly baked aroma of cookies wafted in from the kitchen. Incredulous, Willow opened the oven and, even though it was not even on, she found a warm tray of her heart’s desire within. For a moment, she hesitated, distrustful of the mysterious treats. Yet, just as with the book, she knew without a doubt that she, and no one else, had created the cookies. When she gave into her craving and bit into one, that almost post-coital sense of relaxation came over her again.

After the cookie incident, as Willow came to think of it, she began to put the pieces together. The animalistic sex with Tara, her primal desires to copulate with every available partner, the unconscious magical acquiescence to the basic needs of rest and food, all pointed back to her summoning of the First Slayer. None of the others involved in the spell were affected, of course. None of them had that innate magical ability that could be infested and manipulated the way hers had been. Not that she had any illusions that the First Slayer controlled her. No, that entity was safely back where she came from, but she had left behind a timeless, primordial magical essence that sought out Willow’s own instinctive and base desires and encouraged them, prodded them, made them nearly irresistible. And when she let her guard down, if she wanted something badly enough, she made it happen without even knowing it because it happened at that subconscious level where people experience things in ways that they don’t talk about in polite company.

Of course, knowing what was happening to her, didn’t go very far towards stopping it. Just thinking about telling anyone made her cheeks flame. She tried to do some research, but found precious little information on the First Slayer, and none about the effects of summoning her. Meanwhile, the magic itself almost gave away her secret one night out on patrol with Buffy. They were at the second to last cemetery in Sunnydale, searching for the most elusive demon of the year. Willow’s feet hurt, and she had grown irritated and impatient with the hunt. All she wanted to do was go home and go to sleep. The next thing she knew, the sun shining through her windows woke her and she sat up in her own bed, having no recollection of getting there. Buffy acted justifiably cold to her later that day for skipping out on the mission, but at least she hadn’t seen Willow vanish into thin air.

That had been not quite two weeks ago, and Willow had managed to keep anything equally noticeable or disastrous from happening again. She learned that she had to keep her thoughts and feelings from becoming too intense to make sure that her unwanted, magical instincts didn’t kick in and give her what they thought she needed.

Unfortunately, as a side effect, even Xander began to look appealing and Willow’s worst fear was that he or Buffy would do something just the tiniest bit too sexy and drive her over the edge. She hoped that her strange powers weren’t strong enough to convince other people to give into her desires, but she didn’t want to take any chances that she would wake up with one of them next to her in bed.

Tara’s letter had only made things worse. Her tender words and soft promises of happy reunions devoid of clothing, in which they would not emerge from their room for hours or days, only intensified the nearly painful yearning Willow felt constantly. Even the storm raging outside seemed to make it worse, as though the elemental power unleashed by this force of nature fed into her the power of her need, making it swell and pulse inside her. That one urge, that she had kept under control with sheer force of willpower, continued to grow by the hour, whispering how much better she would feel if she just gave in, suggesting even that perhaps if she went along with it, even just once, her suffering would be over. She resisted the idea, reminding herself that her time with Tara before she left had done nothing to alleviate the problem. She refused to listen to the rebuke that her actions with Tara had been fully conscious and carefully controlled, even if a little more frantic than usual. It hadn’t been full surrender to her instinct, and it never could be. Her desires for Tara were too high level on the psychic scale. Tara appealed to her intellect, and to her heart. She loved Tara and nothing between them would ever be just sex, completely devoid of complex feeling.

Willow’s phone rang, jarring her out of her musings. Party time.


The quiet house didn’t seem like the kind of place where a party would be taking place any minute, and Angel had a moment where he felt sure he’d just fallen for some sort of ruse, though for what purpose he couldn’t imagine. Then he spied a small pile of neatly wrapped presents on the kitchen counter, and a colorful table cloth set with a party hat at each place. When they crossed into the living room, Angel relaxed even more, seeing Giles, Xander and Anya sitting together, chatting quietly.

They raised their eyebrows on seeing that Buffy was not alone, but before Anya could make any sort of embarrassing observations, Buffy ushered Angel upstairs and into her room. He whirled back around to face the door when she began to undress and her impatient sigh from behind him only made him fix his gaze more firmly straight ahead. After a few minutes, she said, “You can look now.”

He waited a beat in case she still needed to finish adjusting or zipping anything, and then turned to see that she had changed into dry clothes and toweled off her hair. “If you give me your shirt, I’ll throw it in the wash before that stuff stains.”

Angel hesitated, torn between the thought of a nice clean, dry shirt, and the thought of wandering around Buffy’s house topless for an hour until then. She just stared at him and he knew she would think he was embarrassed if he didn’t give her the shirt. Never mind that it was true, he didn’t want her to know it. Off came the shirt. Buffy traded him for a towel which he ran over his head a few times and then used to get the last of the demon blood off of his hands. On her way out of the room with the shirt, Buffy said, “I can put your pants in the dryer for a few minutes, too. You can stay up here until they’re done.”

Like many male vampires, Angel did not make a habit of wearing boxers or briefs. Having been intimately involved with him, Buffy knew this perfectly well. In his opinion, their pretense of friendship did not extend to him being okay with hanging around naked with her. “Uh, that’s ok. They’re not that wet.” Of course, they couldn’t have been more wet if he’d just jumped in a lake.

Buffy giggled and moved away from the door, coming toward him with a knowing little smile on her face. Angel resisted the urge to back up as she approached. She stopped inches from him, one hand on his arm, and looked up at him, “Come on, it’s not like I haven’t seen it before.”

Angel frowned and pulled his arm away. “That doesn’t mean you get to see it again,” he said, his voice low but harsh. Buffy shrugged to hide that he had hurt her and turned away to leave the room. Unable to stop himself, Angel called after her, “Hey, where’s Riley these days, anyway? How come you’re not doing his laundry?”

Buffy stopped but didn’t turn around. “He’s spending a couple of weeks with his family in Iowa. He goes every summer,” she said, and then left Angel there in her room with his wet pants.


After straightening her clothes and running a brush through her hair, Willow put on her best everything’s-a-ok smile and made her way to Buffy’s, ready to have a little fun. She laughed softly when Giles answered the door wearing a pink cardboard party hat with silver glitter spelling out the message “Happy Birthday!” in cheerful swirls around its conical circumference. He smiled in return, looking remarkably at peace with his ridiculous appearance and the bit of elastic cutting into his neck.

Shaking off her umbrella, Willow found Anya and Xander inside, standing around the table by the snacks, and a moment later, Buffy bounded down the stairs, showing no sign that she’d spent the previous two hours engaged in intense physical combat in which she had been outnumbered approximately 50-to-1. “Willow! Happy Birthday!” She grabbed her friend around the waist and gave her a slayer-strength hug. Then, leaving Willow gasping for breath, she skipped over to the stereo and got some thumping party-mix CD going, grabbed Giles and forced him to perform some sort of stiff, shuffling movement that must pass for dancing among the older, and more uptight crowd.

After handing Willow a glass of punch, Xander pulled Anya to him and they started doing things to the music that usually would have made Willow blush, but now just made her wish she was alone in her room. She settled for swaying to the music, trying not to make any movements that would lead her body to expect more vigorous activities to follow.

A few minutes later, everyone stopped dancing and just stared when Angel came down the stairs, naked from the waist up and looking as uncomfortable as a dog after a run-in with a porcupine. “Demon blood… it, uh, I got some on my shirt,” he said, as if in answer to everyone’s unasked question.

“What are you still doing here?” Xander asked, his voice thick with disapproval.

“He’s just waiting for Cordelia,” Buffy said, jumping to his defense.

“Couldn’t he wait somewhere else?”

“Xander!” Anya said, “He just helped destroy that nest of nasty beetle things. He should at least get cake.”

Willow couldn’t help staring at the vampire, watching as he rubbed his hands over his upper arms as if to warm himself, unconsciously drawing her attention to the alluring shape of his upper body. She tried to remember if she’d ever seen him without his shirt on before. At the moment, it didn’t seem like something she would be apt to forget. He had the kind of figure that, had she seen his picture in a magazine, she would have dismissed as overly-airbrushed and Photoshopped. Here in the flesh, there could be no denying the flawlessness he unwillingly displayed.

A moment of awkward silence followed, during which the music seemed too loud, but no one would acknowledge the tension in the room by turning it down. When the doorbell rang, the relief was palpable. “I’ll get it,” Xander said. “That should be the cake.” He paused for a moment to grin at Willow. “I think you’re really going to like it.”

When he disappeared into the kitchen to open the back door, Giles remarked, “Odd, I didn’t think we had a bakery that delivered.”

Willow shrugged and turned to keep an eye on the doorway, eager to see what Xander had ordered. Anything to distract her from gawking at Angel.

At first, when her friend rolled a four foot tall, white and pink plastic cake through the door, Willow didn’t understand what she was seeing.

“Oh, bloody hell. He couldn’t really be that stupid, could he?” Giles muttered to himself.

Willow glanced at him for a moment, then looked back towards the cake, a curious frown scrunching up her face. Her puzzlement didn’t last much longer. Xander gave the side of the cake a sharp tap and the top burst open in a dazzling shower of purple and blue confetti that temporarily obscured the view of what else had come out of the cake.

Standing on a platform, just inside the top of the cake, was a very shapely, and mostly naked woman. Her knees were about level with Willow’s eyes. She wore sparkly spike-heeled sandals, with thin straps that wrapped around her ankles in an intriguing crisscross pattern. Above those, a long stretch of beautiful, toned and tanned legs ended at a trim waist, which held up a tiny piece of blue sequined fabric that barely concealed the necessary parts. From there, Willow ran her gaze over a perfectly flat stomach, up to a set of large, but natural-looking breasts, supported by a matching blue bra with purple tassels swinging from the middle of the cups, which ended just above the nipple line.

Willow hadn’t quite made it all the way up to her face when she distantly noticed the other occupants of the room gasping in horror. Tearing her eyes away from the tassels, she looked up to see what the problem was and her own gasp joined the others.

Angel was the first to speak as he rushed forward and helped the woman down off the cake, though not in a particularly polite or gentlemanly way. “Cordelia! What the hell are you doing here?”

Cordelia glanced around at the assembled guests and then back at Angel, her own horror and embarrassment matching everyone else’s. “I didn’t know who the party was for!” she told him.

Giles looked at Cordelia, then quickly away to glare at Xander, then at Willow with an apologetic smile, before finally striding towards the front door and leaving without ever actually speaking a word to anyone, or even remembering to take his coat.

Buffy regained her power of speech long enough to say, “I can’t believe you would do this to Willow, Xan. I… I can’t even be in the same room with you,” and not waiting for him to reply, she ran upstairs and they all heard the door to her bedroom slam shut.

“I was just trying to be supportive of her alternative lifestyle!” he yelled after her, but it was too late. He turned to Willow. “I had no idea it would be her. I mean, if you think this is weird for you, well…”

“Yes, we know,” Anya interrupted him, “Willow didn’t date her. But you did. So you must have missed seeing other women naked. Is that it? Do I not satisfy you any longer?” Tears stood out in her eyes, but before they could fall, she brushed past Xander and ran out the front door. He ran out after her, letting in a damp gust of wind and leaving Willow to deal with the angry vampire and the humiliated, would-be exotic entertainer.

“Wow, so this is awkward,” Cordelia observed to no one in particular, crossing her arms over her chest.

Angel grabbed at her arm. “You mind telling me what you were doing in a cake?” he asked through gritted teeth.

She yanked her arm away from him, saying, “What? You know how much you don’t pay me. I saw the want ad for this company in the paper. When I found out we were going to be in Sunnydale, I called to see if they had a job for tonight. They did. They don’t tell you who its for, and when they drop you off, you’re already in the cake. How was I supposed to know?”

Angel looked unconvinced. “Come on,” she said. “You really think I’d show up in this outfit in front of my ex-boyfriend on purpose? I never thought it’d be him. It isn’t even his birthday, this is… Willow’s birthday.” As she spoke the last few words, she turned away from Angel to look at Willow, a light going on behind her eyes. “This is your birthday. So, just what kind of alternative lifestyle of yours was Xander trying to support?”

Willow rolled her eyes. “You don’t really need it spelled out, do ya?”

Cordy held up her hands. “Really not.”

“Look, it doesn’t matter how you got here, but now that I’ve found you, we can go home.”

“Hey, no way! The guy with the truck won’t be back for an hour and I don’t get paid the other half of my money unless I bring the cake back in one piece!”

Angel sighed. “Cordelia, I doubt you really carried out your… duties, so just be glad you got half your money and let’s get out of here. I’m sure Willow won’t mind returning the cake.” He glanced at her for confirmation and she nodded.

Cordelia raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow at him, “So, are you gonna cough up the extra $100 I’m missing out on?”

“Wow!” Willow said, before she could stop herself. Suddenly, in spite of her utterly ruined party, she felt a small twinge of gratitude towards Xander for putting so much money into his misguided attempt to show that he was ok with her lesbian status.

“Yeah, tell me about it. You think I took this job for chump change? If some poor sap wants to fork over that kind of dough for a little glimpse of skin, I say let him look!” Cordelia tossed her hair back over her shoulder to emphasize her point and Willow swallowed painfully, using every ounce of her will to keep her eyes above the other girl’s neck.

“Fine,” Angel said. “I’ll pay the extra hundred. Can we go now?”

Willow jerked her head around to look at Angel. The strain in his voice was peculiar. If she didn’t know better, she’d think that it was almost as hard for him to see Cordy so unclothed as it was for her. And he didn’t even have unprincipled, primal magic thrumming through his body, setting his every nerve ending on fire every time a slightly impure thought crossed his mind. Then she remembered the demon that inhabited him and thought, perhaps it was not so different.

“Yeah, yeah, just a sec. I’ve got something for the birthday girl,” Cordy said. She turned back to her cake and bent over, opening a hidden compartment in the front of it and rummaging around.

Willow could no longer help staring. With her ass in the air and the G-string pulled tight between her cheeks, Cordelia put on a stunning show whether she intended to or not. Stealing a glance at Angel, Willow saw that the vampire’s eyes were similarly occupied. Furthermore, his still-damp pants clung to him in all the wrong places, making it painfully obvious just how much he enjoyed the view. When he caught Willow looking at him, he quickly glanced down at himself and noticed his lack of discretion. He cleared his throat and turned away from both girls to make an adjustment, but there was little he could do.

Finally, Cordelia stood up and turned around, oblivious to the discomfort she had caused. She held a cupcake with one candle in her left hand and a lighter in her right. “See, you still get to make a wish, so it’s not a total loss,” she said, lighting the candle. “Of course, I’m supposed to balance the cupcake on my… well, under the circumstances, I’m sure you won’t mind if I just hold it.”

If Willow hadn’t suddenly had the image of Cordelia holding a cupcake between her breasts driven into her head, she might have been ok. But with the wet, topless, aroused vampire, and the string-bikini-clad, super-model-bodied woman in the room, it was too much. Visions and sensations overwhelmed her. Flashes of flesh, moving together, sliding and groping, tongues meeting and tangling, fingers twining, hips thrusting, and all around her soft breath and passionate sighs.

She tried to clear her head. Tried to focus on the flaming cupcake that Cordy held out to her. She didn’t have the words of a wish formed in her mind, but the picture of what she wanted at that moment could not have been clearer. If she’d had control of even one brain cell long enough to remember the inherent power in a birthday wish, she never would have dared to blow out that candle and combine the magic of the wish with the foreign magic infusing her blood. But as it was, it took all her concentration just to put her lips together and force air between them, even while she could feel hands on her body, making her want to throw herself on the floor and writhe in ecstasy.

A crack of thunder sounded just as the candle went out, along with all the lights in the house. A moment later they came back on, flickering tentatively and then returning to full strength. None of the three occupants of the room took much notice of the lights or the strange, shimmering fog-like substance that blocked each of the entrances to the living room.

Willow’s fingers twined in luxurious, dark brown hair as she cradled Cordelia’s head in her hands, pulling her closer until their lips met in a hungry kiss. At her waist, Willow felt her shirt rising from her waistband and she faintly realized that Angel stood behind her, nuzzling her neck and deftly removing her clothes.

Willow pulled away from Cordelia long enough for her shirt to come off over her head, then leaned forward for another kiss, but instead Angel spun her around and claimed her mouth himself. She moaned and let her hands rest on his bare chest, touching the flesh she had admired from across the room just minutes before. She felt Cordy unhook her bra, slide it off her arms and toss it away, before moving closer to reach around and cup her breasts, massaging them gently and rubbing her nipples while Angel continued his exploration of her mouth.

The vampire’s wet pants were cold against Willow’s stomach, making her aware, as much as she could be aware of anything in her current haze of magically-enhanced blind lust, that he too still wore clothes that needed to be shed. She fumbled with the button at his waist, tugging until it gave, then unzipped his pants and plunged her hands inside, unable to wait until they were off to wrap her fingers around him and feel his arousal for herself. At her touch, Angel broke their kiss to suck in unneeded air and let it out in a pleasured sigh, prompting Willow to squeeze him harder and reach down farther so that one hand grasped his balls, turning his sigh into a groan.

Angel kicked off his boots and Willow let go of him so he could strip off his pants, removing the last obstacle that prevented full access to his body. He stood before the two women, naked as the statue of David, but more beautiful by far. For just a moment, they stared at him, remaining motionless as they admired the view. Then Willow met his eyes and he smirked at her and twitched one eyebrow in lewd invitation. She licked her lips, winked at him, and then turned away to give her attention back to the seer.

Cordelia helped Willow out of her jeans and panties, running her hands over Willow’s ass more than was strictly necessary. She knelt in front of the witch to finish tugging the clothes off, then slid her hands back up her legs, pressing her thighs apart with her thumbs, encouraging her to spread her legs slightly. A tassel tickled one of Willow’s knees as Cordelia moved forward and ran her tongue lightly over her folds, making her shudder and arch her back. Angel came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her, holding her up so she could lean back against him and spread her legs further.

While Cordelia did downright illegal things with her mouth between Willow’s thighs, Angel contented himself with kissing little trails up and down her neck and across her shoulder, and pinching her nipples until she cried out for him to do it harder, at which point he would stop altogether in favor of tracing aimless shapes on her stomach, just to make her beg. She tried to reach behind her back to grab the cock pressing against her ass in retaliation, but he was faster and caught her hands, keeping them stationed on Cordelia’s head.

Willow felt a finger slip inside her, working alongside Cordelia’s tongue on her clit, bringing her quickly towards the edge. She leaned harder against Angel, tipping her head to one side, letting him suck on her neck. He scraped blunt teeth against her skin, making her pulse race faster and her breath come in short pants, half hoping he would bite her for real, somehow knowing that his fangs in her flesh at this moment of intense arousal would be nothing but pleasure. Then Cordelia added another finger with a particularly harsh thrust, and she forgot about Angel’s fangs, all her senses overcome by an explosive orgasm that left her shuddering against his body, her hands fisting in Cordy’s hair, and her lips calling out the names of her lovers and all the deities she had ever known.

Cordelia stood up, smiling at Willow and looking pleased with herself. Willow pulled away from Angel and grabbed her, kissing her desperately, hands roaming, until she found the tie holding her top on in the back. The knot gave way and Willow paused in her frenzy to draw the straps down slowly over her shoulders, taking half a step back as she did to watch as she revealed Cordelia’s magnificent breasts. She reached up and held them in her hands, relishing how firm and heavy they felt, and ran her thumbs over the large, dark nipples, making them stand up under her touch. Willow bent her head and took one nipple in her mouth, sucking gently and teasing it with her teeth. Cordelia rewarded her with a breathy sigh and arched her back, pushing her chest forward to encourage her.

Angel stepped around behind Cordy, hooked his thumbs in her G-string and yanked it down her legs. When Willow released her nipple and looked down, she gaped openmouthed, her eyes fixed on Cordelia’s completely waxed pubic area, which displayed a shockingly unobstructed view of her pussy for everyone lucky enough to see her nude. Willow ran her fingertips over the area, closing her eyes to enhance the feel of the silky smooth skin, then slipped a finger between Cordelia’s naked folds, moaning when she found her wet and burning hot inside. She withdrew her hand and reached over Cordelia’s shoulder, pressing their bodies together as she held her fingers up to Angel’s mouth. The vampire took her offering, sucking and licking her clean while his large hands roamed over his seer’s ass, living out fantasies he had not yet consciously acknowledged having about her.

That one taste of her spurred him to action, and he sat down on the floor, pulling her with him and then lay on his back, positioning Cordelia with one knee on either side of his head so her pussy was directly over his mouth. For a few minutes, Willow watched her ride his tongue, mesmerized by the rise and fall of her breasts, her motions guided by Angel’s hands on her hips. Then she noticed his neglected cock, nearly purple with the extra blood flooding into it, and she got down one the floor with them, fleetingly grateful for the softness of the carpet. Nudging Angel’s legs apart, she planted wet kisses on his inner thighs, stopping a hairsbreadth from his balls to go back and blow on the dampness. Angel thrust his hips in her direction and made some muffled noises from beneath Cordelia, none of them intelligible, but his message clear enough in any case. Her desire for his flesh was only barely surpassed by his desperation for some attention, and she did not deny herself for long.

Giving him no warning, she took his whole cock in her mouth, sucking fiercely, quickly heating his cool skin to her own temperature, and drawing her lips up and down his length, letting her teeth gently graze him. He tried to buck up into her mouth, but she held him down, setting her own pace, and keeping him from thrusting into the back of her throat. He tasted of an exotic power, as though the ancient magic in her recognized the demon in him and relayed the information through her heightened senses. It was intoxicating, and she rolled her tongue around the head of his cock, lapping up the flavor as though she could take it into herself and absorb the strength he seemed to radiate.

When Angel reigned in enough control to hold his hips still, Willow released her hold on him, putting her hands to better use between his legs. She gently squeezed and rubbed his balls in one hand, feeling the large oval shapes cushioned inside his sac, and rolling them between her fingers. Her other hand gripped the base of his cock, holding it steady while she ran her tongue across the ridge and up around the tip, teasing for a moment before parting her lips and bringing him in deeper, giving him the wet friction he craved.

Screaming obscenities, Cordelia came on Angel’s face, grinding down on him to get one last rub of his tongue to prolong her subsiding orgasm. She climbed off and lay down next to him, giving him grateful kisses. Willow felt his balls contract under her touch, and immediately pulled her mouth and hands away, wanting to use him more before letting him climax. He groaned and raised his head to see why she stopped. Willow turned away from him and then rose up on her hands and knees and looked back over her shoulder, swaying her ass from side to side invitingly.

Angel needed no further prodding. He got to his knees, seized her hips and thrust fully into her from behind, both of them crying out at fully achieving the sensations they had craved since the moment the candle had been extinguished. In ordinary circumstances, any man having been put through his recent sexual torture at the hands of two such desirable women, and then finally allowed to fuck one of them, might have pounded into her in a fury, coming in only seconds, but it was predominantly Willow’s desires that they were bound by the vision of her wish to fulfill, and so he rocked back and forth slowly, drawing his cock out as far as possible each time before pushing back in, filling her completely and surrounding himself in her tight warmth.

Cordelia knelt next to Willow on one side, reaching under to fondle her breast, and stroking her back with her other hand. It felt good, but Willow wanted more from the other girl. She took Cordelia’s hand and guided her around in front of her, then urged her onto her back so that she lay with her knees up and her legs spread in front of Willow. The witch dipped her head and, at first, just kissed the smooth skin right above her pussy, having wanted to feel that bare flesh against her lips. It was like running her mouth across fine satin and she let her tongue dart out to taste it, enchanted with the ability to lick and nibble as much as she liked, unfettered by a single hair.

When Cordelia lifted her hips, demanding other attentions, Willow lowered her head to oblige, licking a trail up through her folds, bottom to top, moving slowly to part her fully and taste the essence of her arousal within. She repeated the motion, her red hair brushing against Cordelia’s thighs and stomach, making the other girl giggle and moan in turns. Her rhythmic licks matched Angel’s thrusts. Each time she dipped her head, she pulled forward off his cock, and as her tongue came up to circle around Cordy’s clit she rocked back onto him. She could smell Cordelia’s perfume, a flowery lilac scent that belied the faint saltiness Willow tasted on her skin. She grew wetter, some of the moisture borrowed from Willow’s mouth, but most from her own heightened arousal, and Willow balanced on one hand so she could use the other on Cordy. Willow pushed two fingers inside her, and crooking them slightly forward, searching for her g-spot while her lips and tongue fastened on her hardened clit, sucking and biting very gently, drawing her out over the edge and letting her crash down into the waiting orgasm, still stroking with her fingers as she rode it out.

Cordelia lay still for a minute, gasping for breath with Willow hovering above her, watching her heaving chest as she pushed back onto Angel, forcing him further inside her. She knew he was close and she wouldn’t stop him this time when he sought release.

When she recovered, Cordelia got up on her knees in front of Willow and pulled her up off her hands so that her back was against Angel’s chest and his arms wrapped around her, holding her steady so his movements would not push her forward. Cordelia shifted closer, placing a hand behind Willow’s head and moving in to kiss her. Willow responded eagerly, parting her lips for the seer’s tongue, and reaching out to cup a breast in each hand. Cordelia’s other hand found one of Willow’s breasts and one of Angel’s hands slipped between her legs to rub her clit as he increased the speed of his thrusts. Willow felt the tension building in herself and Angel’s urgency as he pounded into her. His free hand found her neglected breast, squeezing and pinching with frantic need. She dropped one hand to Cordelia’s pussy, desperate to feel that smooth flesh one more time. She let her palm rub against her outer folds and bent two fingers to penetrate her, moaning when she found her still wet and wanting.

Willow tilted her head to get a better angle in her passionate assault on Cordelia’s mouth and her hair fell away from her neck, exposing it to the vampire behind her. In a flash she felt her skin give way beneath his fangs, and the pull of her blood leaving her body. Angel pounded into her a few more times, and on his last climatic thrust, with a demon’s fangs and cock buried in her, hands on her breasts and between her legs, and her own hands and lips busy on the hottest chick ever to graduate Sunnydale High, Willow shuddered and shook between the bodies holding her up, every muscle contracting wildly as the most intense orgasm of her life rocked through her. Even as she came, she worked her fingers inside Cordelia, bringing her off just in time before her entire body went limp.

Angel withdrew slowly, his spent cock drooping in relief, his fangs retreating into his human face, and he eased Willow down to lay on the floor, then lay beside her, licking her bite until it stopped bleeding. Cordelia moved to her other side and the three of them rested quietly, only the sound of their labored breathing breaking the silence.

Peace settled over Willow, and she felt the primal magic release her, satiated once and for all. No sooner had she realized this, than she also realized that she was laying on the floor naked, with two other naked people, neither of whom was her girlfriend. The spell broke, the wards vanished from the entrances to the room, and the fog of unfettered lust lifted from her mind.

She shot straight up off the floor. She remembered everything. Horrified, she found her clothes and pulled them on. Angel and Cordelia began to stir, rubbing their heads and looking around. Cordy was the first to assess the situation. “Hey, why am I naked? That wasn’t part of the job.” She glared at Angel. “What did you do to me?”

That got Angel’s attention focused at last. “Me? I’m naked, too. Why do you think it was me?”

“That’s exactly why I think it was you!”

Angel was about to argue, but around that time, they both noticed Willow standing nearby, staring at them. “Willow,” Angel said, a warning in his voice. “What happened here?”

“I, uh… I made a wish?” She offered, gesturing towards the now smushed cupcake, which had rolled under an end table.

Suddenly Angel’s eyes widened and he too, stood, and said, “Buffy!”

Willow whirled around. “Where?”

“No, I mean, I’ve got to get out of here. She can’t see me… us, like this!” He scrambled into his pants and boots and looked around for his shirt, frowning when he remembered why he didn’t have it.

Cordelia, meanwhile, still in a slight daze, found the two bits of her outfit, but abandoned them in favor of a thin robe she had stashed in the cake. “Angel, let’s go home,” she muttered.

“Yeah, right behind you,” he agreed. To Willow he said, “Look, I don’t know what happened here, and I don’t think I want to know. Just… don’t tell anyone, ok?” Willow nodded. “If Cordelia comes up with more questions, I’m telling her to call you.” Willow nodded again, numbly agreeing to anything to get them out of the house.

Angel ushered Cordelia out the door and Willow got a glimpse of her thighs as the wind blew her robe up, but she felt only the slightest twinge of desire, and then it was gone, and so were her unwilling lovers.


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