Sep 02, 2003 18:32
first day of school went by like it alwasy does..same old boring shit..but it was fun..i met a new girl named kay..shes really nice..yep.
**i wanna live my life with NO regrets just mistakes that shouldnt have happened but they did..soo oh well..**
thats y i thnk im gonna live my life the way i want to live it...
hmm...stephne hasnt called me..kinda odd..i wihs i didnt get so easily bored all the time..esp. with guys..i think that could be a problem
~~~25 days till i get my license!~~~
my uncle gave me his older car..its a corsica, the same kinda car as the drivers ed car..but its in nice condtion and it gets me where i need to im not complaining.
its a car..and if someone doesnt like it then fuck u and dont ride with me..easy as that ey! well im off to clean my room..