Best Week of my Life

Nov 10, 2007 19:25

So here we go, now originally I never thought anything could get better than my birthday week, but low and behold...I've experienced the best moment of my life. I really never want to forget this. So I'll try and be as detailed as humanly possibly without being to the point of utter O.C.D.

I have this class, The Roland George Investments Program, where I pick a stock and present it to a board of Trustees composed of teachers and students from the class and they vote on whether to accept my stock as part of the portfolio. Now this year, the class is exceptionally large and we're only taking 30 stocks and we have 11 leftover from last really we're taking only 19 out of a class of 27 or so students.
Anyway, so this moment when I presented my stock was the best moment of my life. I really think it was because I've been the only stock this year that unanimously was accepted. I made a killer presentation with interesting slides and really knew this company, MWI Veterinary Supply, like the back of my hand. I could almost recite everything about this company word for word. It's been the turning point for my life. I was jumping up and down and just couldn't get the smile off of my face. lol.

There's a couple reasons why this moment was so crucial 1) I proved myself to my peers as well as my teachers and I know I don't have to really prove myself to anyone, but I do and these people had no faith in me to begin with (they voted against me as a trustee and never had real respect for my opinions and intellect because I'm a girl and a sorority girl at that. 2) I was being videotaped the entire time for an admissions video and that really put the pressure on me to perform for the audience 3) I was grilled on a couple of difficult questions, but managed to keep cool under the stress and pressure 4) I wanted to show Mike Mike I knew how the market works and how stocks are becoming an integral part of my life ( No joke, I woke up at 9 am the day after my stock presentation just to check the market, I'm such a nerd..I know)

I feel amazing. Nothing can bring me down from this crazy natural high that I never knew existed. The harder something is, the more rewarding it is to do...
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