It's 5/6/07!

May 06, 2007 18:04

Really I should be unpacking, instead...I'm playing online. The internet has sucked me in.

Couple things I've been thinking about....

  • Why are there so many unhappy people out there and why don't they change what is causing them pain?
  • How can someone love someone fully? Aren't there some qualities of people you just absolutely hate? I suppose that's when you know you love them when you can overlook their flaws or fall in love with their flaws. I guess it's a balancing act to find someone less different from yourself.
  • I still feel used and taken advantage of...
So my sister might not graduate from high school...not sure how I'm supposed to take this or what I'm supposed to do as the "big sister".

The big 21st birthday is coming. Better start planning now. Don't worry, you'll get an invite via facebook.

Remember...the person you love and the person that loves you are never the same person. Thank you Invisible Monsters.

And now...for the lists of books I'm going to read this summmerrrrrrrr.....
  1. Fight Club
  2. All of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Books (Hitchhiker's Guide, So long and thanks for all the fish, etc.)
  3. Haunted
  4. Catch-22 for real this time
I bet I'll add more after I visit my local library :) Perhaps some philosophy books or something on perception and human behavior. We'll see. Anyway, I'm home for summer break, not working, not doing anything but reading and traveling wherever I go :) Free, free, free to be me.

Not looking back.
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