New pics

Feb 19, 2007 23:23

I put up a couple new journal pics :) Yay yay.

Sometimes I wish people would have told me when I was a kid that growing up sucked so's nothing but bills and taxes. Booo hiss.

Guess how many hours I spent on the phone last month, just guess....if you said 30 hours, then you're right. Yep that's a lot.

Journallll! I've decided to start writing comics instead or something like it.

Funny thoughts that are probably only funny to me and not you:

When people are sitting in desk chairs and the person next to you is sitting semi high in the desk chair, use your foot to press the level that controls how high they sit and watch them slowly fall down in their chair and it's SO MUCH FUN!

Kids that use their sleeves as snot rags. I love it because the kids totally don't think that the yucky boogies will show up on their sleeves. Ha ha ha. SO funny.

You know how there is a numerator and a denominator...I wonder if the terminator would have something to do with them...

People that have ear buds in and talk really loud when they can't hear their own voice, especially in the library...

I love those college kids that go to the gym every day and never ever look any different. I suppose it's a little evil, but it's silly for me to think that 1) why are they going to the gym in the first place and 2) what are they doing there if they aren't starting to look any different...hrmm. Social scene?

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