Jul 31, 2004 00:10
well the interview went okay im guessing..they said that if im hired they will call within the next week. lets hope. although, some guy that works there came up and was talking to me and said that the manager said i seemed nervous. i wasnt though. oh well
britt spent the night last night. >interesting night< first we called up chase and wanted to hang out because we were bored so he met us at this soon to be restaurant. sorry it was sucha bore there wasnt much to do =/ .. when me and britt were walking in the parking lot, behind some cars were a butt load of mexicanos and when we walked past they did the typical and were like "ahhhh!!!" they scared the crap out of us. later on we called troy and we went with him to "the spot" where a whole bunch of racers go to hang out. it was cool i guess. fun hangin out with troy and i got to see mike =D
this morning was kinda in slow motion..atleast at field hockey considering that britt and i were running on 3 hours or sleep. always fun. then we came home and tackled the lawn in the extremley hot sun..i have a tan line from my sports bra..GREAT..hahahaha brittany ran over the water pipe thingy after i told her to watch out for it and tore it to peices..nicely done.
he's on my mind..and i dont know why? ( dont bother asking who )