Jan 23, 2005 18:16
Jesus loves never fails and no matter how weak I am he is always stronger. Actually I would rather be weak, so that He could be strong. "Im my weakness I am made strong." I am now crying out to God that I will be thankfully indebted to Him forever because of all that He's accomplished in my life. Not all things tangible, but mostly the deep inspiration through His spirit, that HE does a wonderful work. Even if it's not by a "burning bush experience" that God miraculously demonstrates His love for me, He never fails to do miraulous things in my heart by His Holy Spirit!
Right now He is chastizing me in love. Ushering me back under His wing, like a father walks along side His child and holds her under His tender loving care. His positive reinforcement in my life right now is showing me how to be comforted by Him and to submit to what He wants to transform me into. I thank Him, that I can even see that it is His love that is doing this. " It is His kindness that leads us to repentence." Thanks be to God that He cares about my life, even down to the little minor details! Praise you Jesus!