Why I left DreamWhisper

Apr 13, 2010 17:50

So I'm sitting here, trying to write this, and I don't know where to begin.

As many of you are aware, I haven't been around as much lately as I should have been. What some of you know is that I've been very, very unhappy for a very long time. For the past four months or so, I've been giving serious thought to quitting the game. To stopping raiding.

What was fun once for me just hasn't been fun for a very long time.

I play this game to raid. It's been that way ever since my first character, Tiriela, hit level 65 and some friends of mine showed me what raiding -could- be late one night in AQ 20. I had -fun- like I'd never experienced in the game before. It was that experience that inspired me to keep fighting to get to 70. I have loved raiding ever since.

But now I find myself dreading 7pm server. I find myself searching for any reason at all to simply not show up. I find myself not wanting to raid at all. How did this happen? Where did this come from? As I said, I've been very unhappy for a very long time, and so that you know, here are some (but not all) of the things that have been bothering me.

1) We raid 5 nights a week, and that's just 1 night too many for me. There is not enough content currently to justify raiding 5 full nights a week. There are guilds who raid only 4 days a week, and they are further progressed than ours. There are guilds that raid 3 nights a week who are also further progressed. Obviously spending more time on the content isn't getting us a hell of a lot farther than anyone else.

I feel like I am unable to have any life, and we raid so late in the evening that I often feel like a zombie for at least part of the raid. That isn't giving 100% of my effort, and it isn't fair to any of you.

2) Our DKP system is borked. I have never seen a progression guild that runs a DKP system this detrimental to recruitment. The system currently in place has people sitting on DKP From Naxxramas - that's DKP from over a year ago. Because of this, and because of the low cost of items, new members will never, ever get to the point that they can stand on equal footing with their fellow guildies.

This isn't about apps getting loot before other people. This is about new members having the knowledge that they can eventually stand on equal footing with longtime members. As it stands currently, it is impossible for that to happen. This fact directly hinders our recruitment abilities, because the best applicants are not going to go to a guild where, even if they make member, they would have to wait 4-6 months MINIMUM to get any gear unless NO ONE ELSE wants it. This isn't about "loot-driven" players, either. Players want to get the best gear to improve their performance - why is that a bad thing? And how is it any different than what many of our veterans have done? Link (to toss out a random example, nothing against you Link) could waltz into ICC and take every single drop for a month and STILL have DKP to spare.

We will never, ever attract the caliber of applicants that we want so long they will be incapable of getting upgrades for 4-6 months except on charity (or sheer luck).

Saying that we will change the system in Cataclysm doesn't help us right now. With Cataclysm at best 6 months away, and at worst a year away (it could very well be delayed, and the Beta hasn't even started), that is too long to wait for a change that is, in my opinion, deeply harming the guild right now.

3) We tolerate people who do not research fights. We tell people over and over again to watch videos, get familiar with a certain strat. Then when we actually get to the fight, no one seems to have a clue what to do and it comes out that half the people didn't research the fight. This isn't okay, and no progression guild worth its salt would tolerate this out of apps, much less long-time members.

4) We are often not open with our criticsm of applicants, and we do not tell them when they are not making the grade - at least not until we have another promising app in our sights. This isn't right. People cannot improve unless they are told they aren't living up to our expectations, and it is unfair to our applicants to string them along with the knowledge that we won't be keeping them, essentially using them to keep going until we find someone to replace them with. These are human beings, and they deserve better. How we treat our applicants, the integrity that we display when dealing with them is just as important as how many bosses we down in a raid.

5) Which leads into my fifth point - we provide little to no mentorship to our applicants. Now I know this isn't true for everyone (Ecth and Lugosi, I'm looking at you!), but for the most part, members tend to look at applicants as either a) competition or b) beneath their notice. I'm very fortunate in that I've had a mentor for my class from day 1 on my Shaman - Cirana from Forlorn Legacy was kind enough to take me under his wing and taught me a lot about my class and role. But not everyone is that lucky, and had I not gotten input from Cirana, I would have been forced to search elsewhere for feedback and help with many things.

How can we expect our applicants to make the grade when we give them little to no guidance beyond, "Stop sucking"? Everyone was new once. Everyone has made mistakes with gems, enchants, spec, and gear. Why is it that what I hear most is people talking down about applicants that make gearing or spec choices that they disagree with? Yet I never see those same people reaching out to try to correct the issues. Instead, we leave the applicants to flounder, and eventually fail.

This isn't kindergarten, no. But we're supposed to be a team - and a team helps each other.

6) We have sunk to recruiting known Trade trolls and ninjas into the guild. And when those people have behaved true to form, officers express "shock and dismay" that they did such. I understood giving Prodygi a fighting chance, because he has an enormous amount of talent. But no amount of talent can make up for his attitude or the selfish disregard with which he treated his fellow guildies. I watched him troll Trade with a DreamWhisper tag, and for the first time, I was -ashamed- to be in this guild. And Tazzi was more of the same - very talented, but ultimately a complete douchebag to his fellow guildies and anyone else he came into contact with. Then when Shyftrider applied to the guild, it honestly seemed like some guildies were DEFENDING the idea of recruiting him.

For those of you who are unaware of the situation, Shyftrider was kicked out of Pandemonium due to attitude problems. He was saved to their ToGC 25 raid, and that week they had gotten to Anub'arak with 50 attempts. So it was an insanity run. The night that he was kicked, Shyftrider formed a raid with Prodygi (who later claimed he had no idea what was going on, and that may be true), went into the instance and used up each and every one of Pandemonium's 50 attempts, utterly wrecking their Insanity run.

It does not matter if Pandemonium is "Windrunner's Trash." What Shyftrider did was wrong. It was wrong no matter what his reasons were, no matter how they had treated him. It was still wrong. Some things are still wrong regardless of the extinuating circumstances, and the fact that some guildies were defending his behavior on the excuse "well, they're just trash so it doesn't matter," makes me sick. This is not the kind of integrity I expect out of my fellow guildies, and a guild that won't take a stand against this sort of behavior is not a guild I want to be in.

7) We allow members to be verbally abusive with each other and applicants. Anyone remember Finkster? Anyone remember why he quit? Why were Prodygi and Tazzi allowed to be douchebags to their fellow guildies? Why is it that anyone who had issues with them was told to put them on ignore and mute them in Vent? Why wasn't the problem - their attitude, their behavior - ever dealt with until Prodygi finally went to far with an officer? There seems to be a double standard in this guild, and it doesn't seem right to me.

With all of that said, the hardest part about leaving is that I love so many people in this guild. It's the one thing that has kept me holding on for as long as I have - because you guys are some of the most amazing people I have ever met. You are so talented at what you do, and I have nothing but awe for the amazing things we have achieved together.

As I lay in bed last night, I started thinking about all of you. And I actually started crying - how silly is that? So I wanted to leave each of you a message. If I have missed anyone, it was not intentional - but rather, the product of a lack of enough sleep.

Tohru - You are one of the most amazing DKs I've ever seen. Your talent is incredible, and you know what you are doing. I wish that I knew half as much about my DK, because then maybe I could do something other than push random buttons and hope things die. :)

Azdk - Your guild note says, "Azdick," but I disagree. You're one of the nicest people I've met in this guild. I think you're actually a big softie underneath the mean exterior. I wish you nothing but the best.

Ryth - You are, hands down, one of the best Paladin tanks I've ever seen. I will never forget for as long as I live when you saved me from the Rogues when we were learning Blood Queen Lana'thel. And I'll never forget you solo tanking Lich King to our second kill. That was absolutely incredible, and I have nothing but respect and good feelings towards you. You will go far no matter where you go. I wish you nothing but the best.

Tiraackpride - Never let anyone tell you that gear makes the player. Never let anyone make you doubt your talent. You are one of those people capable of both being very good at what you do, and very nice. Don't let anyone change you.

Stumeister - You're quiet, and you're scary, and sometimes you've really hurt my feelings. You're also a very good tank, and I know you try your best in everything. I know you've been having a difficult time IRL, and I want you to know that you are in my thoughts and my prayers, for what it is worth.

Sume - One of the nicest people I've met in this guild. You have been one of the people I've been holding on for. From day one you have been the nicest of people, and I have nothing but respect for you. I hope you get an amazing computer so you can wow everyone with your l337 Priest Skillz!

Lyloo - You've been my partner in crime more than once, and your dry humor and wit has cheered me up when just about nothing else could. You're one of my healer buddies, and really, we couldn't ask for a better Priest. I am so fortunate to have been able to heal with you. Thank you for all your bubbles and your HOTs. :)

Sunthehs - You are an amazing Priest. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise. But not only are you an amazing Priest, you are an amazing guildie. You are nice to everyone. You research your fights, you show up to raid day in and day out, and you are always giving 100% of your effort. I am in awe of your skills, and I am proud to have been able to heal with you. Thank you, also, for all of your bubbles and your HoTs. :)

Tyleigh - I've often been jealous of you (mainly of your amazing Val!), but it's always been a good thing to see your tree self in raids. I'm honored to have gotten to heal with you. I wish you nothing but the best, and I hope that you will continue healing long into Cataclysm.

Unicorn - Simultaneously one of the best Shadow Priests I've ever seen, and one of the nicest guildies I've ever had the good fortune to interact with. Don't ever change, please. You are a shining example that someone young can be both adult in their behavior and better than most "adults" at what they do. Whatever you set your mind to, I know you will succeed.

Tomathy - You're generally quiet and don't say much, but you've always been nice to me. Sometimes I've wanted to strangle you, other times to cheer you on. You're good at what you do, and still nice. I'll miss you.

Klownie - We've had our differences, it's true. I think you're an amazing Resto Shaman, and I know you're miserable at Enhancement. Hopefully my leaving will help you out in that respect. I still hate you for living in Hawaii when I'm stuck in Louisiana, but I guess I can forgive you for your amazingly good luck. :-P I wish you nothing but the best, and I know you will go far no matter what you do.

Sungoma/Argueson - You were my kryptonite when I first started in the guild. I was so jealous of you getting in on every fight, and me being benched. I've come a long way since then, and so have you. Don't ever let anyone tell you that you don't know what you're doing, because I know you do. Everyone has a bad raid, or even a bad month, but you have talent. It's going to carry you far, as will your honestly kind nature. I will miss you, and hopefully my leaving will help you get to do more of what you love.

Hellmaker - You're loud, kind of scary, and one of the two best Paladin tanks (along with Ryth) that I've ever seen. I have a lot of respect for you, and I am so happy you've started playing again. You've always been fair in everything I've seen you do, and I have a lot of respect for that. I'll honestly miss you. I wish you the best of luck in everything you do.

Nuvian - Where do I begin? You are one of my favorite people in this entire guild. In a lot of ways, you remind me of me. You speak up when no one else will, and you're not afraid to say what you think is right. I have nothing but the deepest respect for that. And more, you've always been kind and good natured in most everything you do. You're one of the best Hunters I've ever seen, and I can only wish I was half as good as you are on my wee Hunter. I will miss you very much. I wish you the best of luck in everything you do. I know that you will go far.

Imrahyl - I only got to know you a few months back, but you've quickly become one of my favorite people in the guild. You are extremely good at what you do, and you're also extremely nice. You're one of those people I point to when I get told that "progression raiders are all douchebags." You know, more than possibly anyone else here, about my many issues. I wish you the best of luck with whatever you decide to do. I know that you will do your best, and whatever happens, remain true to yourself. I will miss you.

Gaant - I miss you already! Your "Hello!" is one of the things that's kept me going for as long as I have. You are one of the nicest people I know, and also one of the most talented. I hope that one day you'll be able to read this, but even if you can't (or don't), I wish you every happiness. I know that your good attitude and dedication will take you far.

Nataku - I've never really gotten to talk to you, or even get to know you that well, but I wanted to say that I think you're incredibly talented. I forgive you for the times you killed me on Blood Queen and Lady Deathwhisper. :-D I wish you the best of luck, and I'm so happy I've gotten to raid with you.

Borntodie - As I said to Nataku, I forgive you for the times you killed me while mind controlled. I've learned, thanks to you two, that if a rogue gets MC'd, my Hex best be off CD. :) You're incredibly talented and good at what you do. I know you'll go far, and it's been a pleasure to raid with you.

Anhauserr - I miss you a lot. You took the time to sit me down and help me with my Enhancement spec when I confided to you that I hated Elemental with a fiery passion. I attribute much of my success to your willingness to answer questions and offer input. You are one of the best Enhancement Shamans I've ever seen, and I hope that you return to DW soon. You are missed.

Ecthlipsis - We've had our differences, and I haven't always agreed with things you've done, and things you've said. But in the end, I've always seen that you are a good person inside. Even when I've wanted to strangle you, I've always liked you. You're possibly the best Warlock I've ever seen, and your talent can't be denied. I wish you the best of luck in everything you do. I will miss you.

Lugosi - Our personalities have never really meshed well, I think. We've often butted heads. I know that there's a kind person in there, but so often it's masked by what I can only call meanness. You are one of the most talented, capable players I've ever met, and damn near the best Warlock I've ever seen. I wish you nothing but the best in whatever you do, and I meant what I said several months back - wherever you go, and whatever you do, you will go far.

Shendu - I barely know you, but you seem very nice. I hear you're doing quite well in your application, so I wish you nothing but the best. Good luck!

Link - You are more than anyone realizes. You wear a mask that you show everyone, but I know that there's more underneath. When you put your heart and your will behind what you do, you are an unstoppable force. Don't ever let anyone put you down, Link. Don't let them tell you that you are less than what you are. One day, they're going to see it. I only wish I could be there to see it, too. I will miss you and your quiet humor. I wish you nothing but the best in everything you do.

Xan - I barely know you, but I like you. You've shown a lot of dedication simply by getting your Valanyir, and that is something to be proud of. I know things are tough right now, but if you put your full will behind what you are doing, and strive to be the best you can be in every attempt, you will succeed. I wish you nothing but the best, and good luck!

Thejigga - I barely know you it seems! Yet everytime I see your name, I want to bounce around. Hmm. There's something there, but I'm not addressing it! You're amazingly good at what you do, and incredibly nice as well. I will miss you, and please tell Bud the same!

Fugo - I barely know you as well. I don't think we've spoken much at all. You're extremely talented and good at what you do. I know that you're going to succeed if you continue in the path you've set. I wish you nothing but the best of luck, and I know you'll go far.

Mora and Avenzoar - You two are my buddies! So many DI's on Lich King and other fights! I felt very loved. :) The two of you have so much talent and skill, I am honored to have raided with the both of you. I wish you the best of luck in whatever you do - I know you will both go far. I'll miss you both.

Halabalooza - What can I say about you? You are the single most talented Ret Paladin I have ever seen. You're an ass, and yet you're capable of great acts of kindness. I like you even when I want to strangle you and put you on ignore. In short, I will miss you more than I thought possible. I know that whatever you put your mind to, you will accomplish. I wish you nothing but the best.

Slust - I barely know you, because you're all quiet and never say much. But you have talent or you wouldn't be here, and you know what you're doing. I wish you the best of luck on your app, and I know that you will go far in whatever you do.

Jager - I barely know you, but I already like you! You have such a good attitude, and I totally approve of your awesome pet. I wish you the best of luck in your app. Be yourself, and do your best, and I know you will succeed at whatever you do. I will miss you.

Mesa - Many of our newer people barely know you, but I will always remember you as the crazy Priest in Taiwan who had the construction going on next to his house during the ToC 25 pugs we did together. You're one of the nicest people I know, and I will miss you greatly. I wish you the best at whatever you do.

And finally, last but certainly not least...

Lohky. You were the one who recruited me. You took a chance on an undergeared Shaman who had little experience in Hard Modes and who, even worse, was a reroll from the HORDE! :-O You are the one who honestly kept me going for the longest time. When you left is when I seriously started thinking about quitting. You're the best Elemental Shaman I've ever seen - hands down, no debate. I have nothing but the greatest respect for you. You will always have a good place in my heart, and I wish you the best of luck in everything you do. No matter where I go, I'll always be talking about your antics, so expect your ears to be burning on a regular basis, mister!

Thank you, DreamWhisper. Thank you so much for taking a chance on me. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to raid at a level I've never experienced before. Thank you for raiding with me. Thank you for healing with me. I wish you all the best that can be.
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