Nov 26, 2007 01:29
I found this really great website online the other day that I've become obsessed with. It's and it's kind of like a deviant art, but much cooler. You submit your writing for people to review, the catch is that you can't read any of the reviews for your piece unless you review other people's work. You earn credits when you review other works that you can spend on opening the reviews of your pieces. It's kind of like being in a Gary Fincke class, but you can actually skip over any piece that is terribly bad. My only complaint about the site is that you can't just upload from word, you have to copy and paste--which fucks with formatting.
It's done wonders for my self-esteem. I already have a fan.
I highly suggest it to anyone out there who likes to write. Even if you use this site for nothing but hosting your writing. Oh, and if you want to sign up, you should let me send you an invitation. Then I earn free credits for signing people up, and I'll all about free credits.