James + Chantal = Love

Oct 20, 2007 04:11

Sobriety just doesn't work for me. I get into too much trouble when I'm not confining myself to James's hookah room.

Thursday night I was almost arrested. Even though I was almost hauled off to jail, it was a really great night of chillaxing and talking about our lives. We all grew up so differently and it's so interesting to hear their stories. We bonded alot that night--which is good, because now I know Chantal will have my back in the event that we're in a women's prison together and I'm all out of soap-on-a-rope. We went to Kidsgrove Playground and explored for a couple hours. As we were leaving, we are immediately pulled over by a very unfriendly cop. He took our IDs and ran them through the "system," and after several weirdly anticipatory minutes, he returned to tell us he wasn't going to arrest us this time. "I'm not going to find anything in there suspicious, am I?" What do we look like? Drug Addicts? Exhibitionist Threesomers? Criminals? Anyway, he's sending notices of trespassing to our houses, (can't wait for my mom to get that) and threatened charges if we were ever caught in there again after dark. I knew we weren't suppose to be in there after dark, but I didn't think it was so harshly enforced. We go back to James's house and talk until five in the morning when we decided to have a sleepover. The three of us cuddled up in James's bed and harmonized our snoring. Sleep was sporadic for me. I never sleep well away from my bed.

Tonight seemed liked it'd be one of those wild crazy party nights. At one point there was seven people huddled around two hookahs in James's living room. We were smoking mango tobacco which tasted incredible. However, people scattered off, and by midnight it was just James, Chantal and I again. We went for a scenic walk to the river and stared up at the stars. I get really into nature sometimes. Despite having had no intoxicating substances, I became really sick to my stomach and end up throwing up on a tree on the way back to James's house. I'm a big believer that you know who your friends are and who you can trust by whether they watch you get sick. Alot of people would walk away or leave them alone if someone was barfing up white rice all over a Maple tree. However, Chantal was right there rubbing my back and James kept asking me, "Are you okay, boss?" I don't know why I am suddenly the boss. After hurling several times, I felt much better and spent some quality time with Listerine. The night continued on, and we enjoyed the rest of what Tom had left when he went back to NYC. A hazy hour later, John arrives, but we are already pooped. I just got back and, of course, I have this sudden burst of energy.

I think I'm going to spend some time with Orson Scott Card before bed.
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